[PDF] Cisco Associate-Level Certification Evolution

What certifications does Cisco offer?

Just imagine where it might lead. Cisco offers three Associate-level and two Entry-level certifications to help you learn how to connect, secure, and automate the networks that run the world. Master the essentials including security, automation, and programmability for rewarding work in a broad range of roles.

What is the Cisco certified collaboration Associate certification?

The Cisco Certified Collaboration Associate certification is for Cisco engineers who specialize in Cisco's Unified Communications (UC) products. Collaboration engineers focus on the deployment and support of voice, video, and live text communication solutions across IP networks. Valid for 3 years.

How long is a Cisco certification good for?

Try the tech learning experience shaped around your goals. Cisco Certifications are good for 3 years. Keep your certification current and your skills sharp by participating in our Continuing Education program. Earning Continuing Education Credits is a great way to work toward recertification, and learn something new at the same time.

What is Cisco wireless networking Essentials certification?

The certification validates skills in the configuration, implementation, and support of wireless LANs. 200-355 WIFUND (Implementing Cisco Wireless Networking Essentials) is the required exam. Valid for 3 years.

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24 févr. 2020 The evolution of learning and certifications ... Cisco Enterprise certification track. Entry: Associate Level. Next Step: Professional Level.


2020 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public. #CiscoLive. Cisco's certification suite. Specialist Level. Associate Level.

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