[PDF] quelles


In the lesson on how to ask “what is this” French, you learnt that “que” and “quoi” mean “what” in a question. In the lesson on how to ask questions in French, you learnt how to ask questions in French. It’s important to go over those two lessons, if you need a refresher on asking questions in French, as you will need that knowledge for this lesson...

How to Use Quel in French

Quel is a French adjective that means “what” or “which” depending on its usage. As quel is an adjective, it has to agree in gender and in number with the noun that it refers to. In the table you can see all the variations of quel in French.

Que/Quoi vs Quel

How do you know whether do useque/quoi vs quel? You will use que/quoiif you want to know what something is, or if you want to define something. You will use quel if there are many options/choices in a situation, or if you want to compare and contrast one thing to another. You have to choose the red t-shirt from a big pile of shirts. There are many ...

Example Sentences on How to Use Quel in French

The final section of this lesson on how to use quel in Frenchis about seeing the questions in action. This is valuable because you can improve your understanding on how to use quel in French through examples. Here you can find the sentences of the previous chapters, neatly stored in one place.

Quiz Yourself on How to Use Quel in French

At the end of every lesson you can do a small quiz. You will see the sentences of the previous chapter. You will either need to fill in the blanks, choose the correct multiple choice option, or both. Once you are done the correct answer will be shown. You can redo the quiz as many times as you want!

How to Practice with Flashcards For This Lesson

Using flashcards is an absolute necessity when it comes to learning a language! It is the best way to memorize what you learn, you can personalize your progression because it adapts to your actions, and all flashcards have audio to improve your hearing and pronunciation. Please read our article on how to learn a new languagefor more information on ...

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What is the plural of Quelle?

Quelle (or quelles in the plural) is an interrogative adjective (which? which ones?) or exclamation. It agrees in gender and number with the noun it describes (quel, quelle, quels, quelles). Quel parfum de glace vous voulez ? ? Which ice cream flavor would you like? Quelle est la solution? ? What's the solution?

What are the four forms of Quel?

Quel is an interrogative French adjective that means which or what. Like most adjectives, it has four forms: masculine singular ( quel) and plural ( quels ), and feminine singular ( quelle) and plural ( quelles ). The following examples show all four forms in action: Quel jour sommes-nous? ( What day is it?) Quelle heure est-il? ( What time is it?)

How do you use Quel in French?

In French, however, one does not have this option. The French equivalent of which, quel, must be used whenever you are choosing between two or more nouns. Like all French adjectives, quel has to agree in gender and number with the noun it modifies. Scroll down to the bottom to see our table with all the forms of quel.

What is the difference between Quel and N'importe?

Quel idiot ! > What a fool ! Quel sale temps ! > What terrible weather ! Quel plus a noun can be replaced by the interrogative pronoun lequel ("which," "which one"). Quel is used in n'importe quel ("whichever," "whatever," "any") and other expressions with n'importe .

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