[PDF] aboriginal cultural diversity factors

What Are the Key Aspects and Diversity of Aboriginal Culture? Aboriginal people have unique views of the world which differ from those of mainstream groups. Family, land, law, and language are four critical aspects of Aboriginal culture, and Aboriginal families are linked to land via kinship systems.
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  • What aspects of Aboriginal culture are diverse?

    There is a great diversity of cultures, languages, kinship structures and ways of life among Aboriginal people across Australia. Aboriginal peoples have distinct cultures. Aboriginal peoples are comprised of many different language and/or tribal groups.
  • What are the factors of Aboriginal identity?

    For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities these may include:

    social connectedness and sense of belonging.connection to land, culture, spirituality and ancestry.living on or near traditional lands.self-determination.strong Community governance.passing on of cultural practices.
  • What are 3 characteristics about Aboriginal culture?

    The complex set of spiritual values developed by Aboriginal people and that are part of the Dreamtime include 'self-control, self-reliance, courage, kinship and friendship, empathy, a holistic sense of oneness and interdependence, reverence for land and Country and a responsibility for others.28 jui. 2022
  • These principles are: • Self-determination • Participation in decision making • Respect for and protection of culture • Equality and non-discrimination. When people are working and operating within the frames of the UNDRIP, they are working in a culturally safe manner.
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Communicating effectively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Patient Care Guidelines

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Queensland Health Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural

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Working with Aboriginal people and communities - a practice resource

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Part 1-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural safety framework

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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social and Emotional Wellbeing

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Engaging with Indigenous Australia: exploring the conditions for

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Northern Territory Health - Aboriginal Cultural Security Framework

harmony of interrelating factors.3 Health for Aboriginal people is also diverse Aboriginal cultures in the NT you can consider and reflect on your own.