[PDF] abstract class oop

Abstract Class is a type of class in OOPs, that declare one or more abstract methods. These classes can have abstract methods as well as concrete methods. A normal class cannot have abstract methods. An abstract class is a class that contains at least one abstract method.
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  • What is an abstract class with example?

    Abstract classes are essential to providing an abstraction to the code to make it reusable and extendable. For example, a Vehicle parent class with Truck and Motorbike inheriting from it is an abstraction that easily allows more vehicles to be added.
  • Why use abstract class in OOP?

    One of the fundamental concepts in OOP is the abstract class. Abstract classes cannot be instantiated and are designed to be subclassed. They are used to provide some common functionality across a set of related classes while also allowing default method implementations.
  • Abstraction is simply 'hiding'.
    Abstract class - Abstract classes/methods are created so that it can be implemented in its subclasses because the abstract class does not know what to implement in the method but it knows that the method will exist in its subclass.
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Cours 7 : Classes et méthodes abstraites

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Inheritance & Abstract Classes

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Exercices de Programmation Orientée Objet en Java

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(e) Polymorphism and Abstract Classes

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Object Oriented Software Design - Polymorphism Abstract Classes

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A Static C++ Object-Oriented Programming (SCOOP) Paradigm

In traditional OOP the image abstraction is represented by an abstract class