[PDF] advanced excel skills checklist

For this, they need the following Excel skills:
  • Filters and shortcuts.
  • Charts and graphs.
  • Communication and chat functions.
  • Data interpretation.
  • Macros.
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  • What is considered as advanced Excel skills?

    Advanced knowledge of Excel means possessing the ability to use spreadsheets, graphing, tables, calculations, and automation efficiently to process large quantities of data relevant to business tasks. The way Excel is used depends on the needs and duties of specific departments or job roles.
  • How do I say I have advanced Excel skills?

    Be specific
    Expand your abilities by including a few examples of the advanced functions you can use. Your examples should be important to the position and not basic or common functions. For example, you might say “Advanced in MS Excel including PivotTables, VLOOKUP, INDEX/MATCH, and Data Tables”.
  • What are intermediate or advanced Excel skills?

    You're considered intermediate when you're familiar with how to use pivot tables, VLookup, and date functions among other more. Advanced Excel users need to know how to manage and organize large amounts of data. You must be able to make comprehensive graphs, tables, and record a macro to automate common tasks.
  • To test your abilities, a potential employer could ask you to create a table or graph to highlight your proficiency with managing small data sets. To do this, they may give you a table of data and ask you to transform it into a graph. To change your data into a bar graph, copy and paste the table you have into Excel.
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IT Trainer

MICROSOFT EXCEL 2016. CORE SKILLS CHECKLIST. This checklist is intended as a personalized reference guide for your professional development.

Levels of proficiency related to Computer Skills

Levels of competency in using Microsoft Excel: LEVELS. SKILLS. Basic. This level of skills is required to perform tasks and work with data in worksheets.


Apr 5 2018 ADVANCED FINANCIAL. MODELER (AFM). SKILLS CHECKLIST. Candidates should have an understanding of the following. Microsoft Excel


This checklist has been compiled from various public sources to help job seekers to efficiently communicate their current proficiency with advanced-level skills 

IT Trainer

Jul 13 2020 MICROSOFT EXCEL. SKILLS CHECKLIST. This checklist is intended as a personalized reference guide for your professional development.

Excel Cheat Sheet

Microsoft®. Excel Cheat Sheet. Basic Skills. The Excel Program Screen. Keyboard Shortcuts. Getting Started. Create a Workbook: Click the File.


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Items 9 - 25 Microsoft® (hereafter MS) Office Excel is one of the most common and ... using a 50-item checklist (see Table 2) which detailed essential ...


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