[PDF] 2 regions of the antebellum south

While the two largest classes in the South included land- and slave-owners and slaves, various strata of social classes existed within and between the two.History · Economic structure · Effects of economy on social · Social structureAutres questions
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  • Which two regions represent the Old South?

    The Old South: Can mean either southern states that were among the Thirteen Colonies (Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina) or all southern slave states before 1860 (which also includes Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas).
  • What was the South in the antebellum period?

    The Antebellum South was characterized by the use of slavery and the culture that it fostered. As the era proceeded, Southern leaders gradually shifted from portraying slavery as an embarrassing and temporary system to a defense of slavery as a positive good, and harshly criticized the nascent abolitionist movement.
  • What are two characteristics of the Antebellum South?

    The American South, the fifteen states that permitted slavery in the decades before the Civil War, was a predominantly rural region. Life revolved around agriculture, much of it conducted on large farms or plantations where enslaved African Americans provided the majority of the labor.
  • From a cultural and social standpoint, the "Old South" is used to describe the rural, agriculturally-based, slavery-reliant economy and society in the Antebellum South, prior to the American Civil War (1861–65), in contrast to the "New South" of the post-Reconstruction Era.
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