[PDF] approved exporter status south korea

The Agreement at A Glance

Since 2011, the EU-South Korea trade agreement has eliminated customs duties on nearly all products (98.7%), including fisheries and agricultural products. It has also removed non-tariff barriers (NTB) to the exports of key EU products to South Korea, such as automobiles, pharmaceuticals, electronics and chemicals. Not the least, services markets i...


The EU-South Korea free trade agreement eliminates 98.7% of tariffs on trade in goods. Here are some of the benefits for EU exporters 1. machinery and appliances enjoy the largest duty savings, with gains close to €450 million 2. the chemical sector is the second-largest beneficiary, with duty savings of €175 million 3. nearly all EU agricultural e...

Product Requirements

The EU and South Korea now cooperate on technical regulations, setting standards and conformity assessments to make it easier for you to trade internationally. This will ensure that you do not waste money and/or time on duplicate or multiple procedures. You will need to follow these rules so that your products can be evaluated for conformity with t...

Customs Clearance Documents and Procedures

The agreement ensures more transparent and simplified customs procedures to facilitate trade and reduce costs for businesses.

Trade in Services

You can benefit from a more open South Korean services market under the trade agreement. The rules cover 1. cross-border provision of services 2. establishment This means that you can either provide your services from an EU country or establish an office, branch or subsidiary in South Korea if you prefer. These benefits apply to EU companies in mor...

Public Procurement

Interested in tendering for government contracts for supplies, services or construction works in South Korea? The EU-South Korea trade agreement provides you with better opportunities to bid for South Korean government procurement contracts. South Korea and the EU had already agreed to open up bidding for public procurement contracts to foreign com...

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What is approved exporter (AE) status?

Please read the below sections for more information. Under the terms of the EU-Korea FTA agreement; European suppliers must gain ‘Approved Exporter’ (AE) status in order to export consignments over €6,000 to South Korea, and in doing so benefit from preferential tariffs.

Can EU exporters sell electronics to South Korea?

Before the agreement, EU exporters of consumer electronics and household appliances to South Korea were required to carry out duplicative and expensive testing and certification procedures in South Korea to sell their products. Now, however, you are able to enjoy an improved regulatory environment for your products.

What GIS are covered by the EU-South Korea Trade Agreement?

The EU-South Korea trade agreement protects European Geographical Indications (GIs) for The EU has protected about 160 GIs that it sees as the most commercially important. The agreement lists the GIs that are covered in two attachments. Wines and spirits are covered in Annex 10-B of the agreement, and include for example:

What if origin declaration is not made out by an approved exporter?

When the origin declaration is made out by an approved exporter, the authorisation number of the approved exporter must be entered in this space. When the origin declaration is not made out by an approved exporter, the words in brackets shall be omitted or the space left blank.

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EU-KOREA FTA – A Practical Guide for European Exporters

23 févr. 2021 The EU-South Korea free trade agreement (FTA) had provisionally ... per consignment should have “Approved Exporter” status in order to get ...


31 déc. 2021 2.7 Approved Exporters - Application procedure . ... Africa South Korea


CONDITIONS FOR OBTAINING THE APPROVED EXPORTER STATUS Korea where the origin declaration is the only possible proof of origin.

Application for Approved Exporters Status

2 mars 2013 trade agreement with South Korea). The Rules of Preferential Origin can be referred to in one of the aforementioned Notice(s) depending on.

Tax Analysis

2 South Korea ratified the RCEP agreement on 2 December 2021 at the National To apply for "approved exporter" status an exporter must submit a written ...

Exporting from the EU after Brexit: changing definitions and

agreements (FTAs) approved exporter status. This article sets out the practical the EU-South Korea FTA only recognises proof made by approved exporters.

Evaluation of the Implementation of the Free Trade Agreement

Member States and the Republic of Korea – Stakeholder Consultation Report satisfied with approved exporter status rules of origin

For Italian Producers/Exporters - EU-Korea FTA and its utilization

1 juil. 2011 Approved exporter and origin declaration ... Current Status of Korea FTAs ... Must be directly transported to retain originating status.

DGFT - 2F Approved Exporter System for Self-certification of Origin

Manufacturer exporters who are also recognised by DGFT as Status holders (One Starting with the India-Japan and India-Korea CEPAs RMTR Division will ...


The approved exporter status is provided as an exception or special privilege for an exporter that has gone through an approval the Republic of Korea.