[PDF] british and french school system

British School Students Usually Wear Uniforms

This is probably the most noticeable, and most remarked-upon, difference between British schools and the majority of their counterparts abroad. While students in most other countries can wear more-or-less what they want, students in Britain are usually required to wear something that looks a little like cabin crew uniform as designed by someone who...

Almost Everything You Need For School Is Provided For You

In Germany, a crucial part of the back-to-school routine is the great stationery shop, where students buy stacks of brightly-coloured exercise books to call their own. In the UK, it’s somewhat different. Students are expected to buy their own bags, uniform (as well as sports kit) and pens and pencils, but that’s all. Textbooks and exercise books ar...

You Start School at 5, Or Younger

Schools in the UK differ from many countries in Europe in that students start semi-formal education at the age of 5 or younger (with students frequently starting in September of the school year in which they will turn 5). This isn’t structured learning with memorisation and whiteboards – there’s a lot of colouring-in and storytime – but students ar...

A School Day Lasts from 9 Until Around 3.30

The length and timings of a school day can vary considerably around the world. A Brazilian school day might start at 7am but end at noon. Chinese school days can be very long, from 7.30am to 5pm or even later. French school days last longer than British ones, running from 8am to 4pm – but that includes two hours for lunch. British school days start...

It’S Very Unusual to Repeat A Year

One way in which the British school system differs considerably from that of other countries is that it is virtually unknown for students to repeat a year. While in other countries, a student who hasn’t got up to the required level in a particular school year will simply be required to do the whole thing again in the company of a new set of classma...

Individual Schools Are Unusually Autonomous

In many countries across the world, most of the ways in which state schools are run is dictated to them by an external body, such as a local or state-level authority. This isn’t the case in the UK. While all schools are required to follow the national curriculum, an individual school has the freedom to decide which exam boards it will use, which op...

Teachers Are Treated Respectfully, But Don’T Earn Respect by Default

Compared to some parts of the world, the teacher/student relationship in the UK is quite informal. While it’s still the norm in the vast majority of British schools that teachers are addressed by title and surname – and in most they will also be called “Sir” and “Miss” as convenient shorthand – other conventional trappings of respect are less commo...

You Study Fewer Subjects Than in Many Other Countries

At the start of secondary school, a British student might study a dozen subjects: English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, History, Religious Studies, Art, Computing, Technology, Physical Education and one or two languages. At the age of 14-15, this would drop down to the core subjects of English, Mathematics and the sciences, ...

Students Are Encouraged to Speak Up and Share Their Opinions

The traditional Victorian image of students sitting in rows in front of a blackboard, patiently writing down everything that their stern teacher says, doesn’t much resemble a modern British school. For one thing, teachers aim to keep their lessons lively and varied, but more importantly, students speaking up and having their opinions heard is consi...

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What is the difference between French and British schools?

Find out the 10 biggest differences between French and British schools 1. Formal schooling starts at six years in France, although in reality little children are learning from four years old 2. No school uniform in French schools 3.

Does France still have a school system?

France still operates what is effectively a primary, middle and upper school system, with pupils entering secondary middle school (collège) aged 11, before going to sixth-form college or high school (lycée) at 15 years old 9.

Do French primary schools have a computer suite?

Tablets, mini whiteboards, interactive whiteboards, and a computer suite of classrooms were left all the way back in our UK Primary school the moment we stepped into a rural French Primary classroom with wooden ink desks and chalkboards. Although, this may not be typical across France, especially if you move to a city.

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Exporting European Core Values: British and French Influences on

to identify those values which the French settlers and British colonial Mauritius which bear upon and influence the formal education system and upon.

English and French Modes of Regulation of the Education System: a

20 avr. 2018 Thirty years ago the English and French educational systems were ... French middle schools came to be truly comprehensive

Talk about School: Education and the Colonial Project in French and

differences in the French and British models of colonial education in study of educational systems in Africa (Harik & Schilling 1984; Kelly

A Comparative Look at English French and Soviet Education

An analysis of the Soviet French and British school systems reveals a common characteristic: They " . . . are determined by an intellectual minority and 

Curriculum Comparison France

Cambridge English Young Learner tests and for Schools both the French school system and Cambridge English English language competence.

From International Ideas to Domestic Policies: Educational

the idea of multiculturalism to education policy in England and France. much more decentralized educational system than does France. Decentralization.

Modelling the Origins of Nationally-Bound Administrative Heritages

historical reasons why British and French firms rely on different trolled and the French school system organized; and the way.

French and British Colonial Legacies in Education: A Natural

The French did not com- pensate with a strong public school system: spending on public education per school age child was higher in British Cameroon 

French and British Colonial Education in Africa

French colonial system. French policy was never as assimilationist as it pretended to be. In the British African territories there.

French and British Colonial Education in Africa

French colonial system. French policy was never as assimilationist as it pretended to be. In the British African territories there.