[PDF] bac english pages

  • Comment se déroule l'épreuve d'anglais au bac ?

    Cette fois-ci l'épreuve dure 1h30. Il s'agira de tester à nouveau votre niveau d'expression écrite mais également votre compréhension écrite à partir d'un ou deux textes que vous devrez assimiler et analyser.
    Chaque partie sera notée sur 10 pour une note globale sur 20.

  • Comment se déroule l'épreuve d'anglais au bac ?

    Faire des fiches de vocabulaire avec tous les mots-clés essentiels.
    Apprendre par cœur les mots de liaison.
    Rechercher divers sujets sur les thèmes d'actualités internationales.
    Participer régulièrement aux exposés de classe pour avoir l'habitude de s'exprimer en public.

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The editor of your English school magazine needs contributions for a campaign about protecting the environment. Write an article for the magazine to explain 

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G. WHAT DO YOU SAY IN THE FOLLOWING SITUATIONS? (2 pts). 1. You don't know how to write a CV in English. You: (Make a request to your teacher.) .


Page 1. 1 www.myenglishpages.com. Gerund or Infinitive. One of the difficulties of the English language is that some verbs are followed by the gerund.

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This is part of an email you received from your English friend. At last I've decided to join the faculty of medicine. What about you? Write an email to your 

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year Baccalaureate students set up a Club for Citizenship in their school. When Nabil spread the news the response to his Facebook page was fantastic.

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understands plain English and can be operated by a human agent. The program is designed to replace human agents in dealing with customers.

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Page 2. ?. ????? ??. ?????. 2016. -?. ?????? “I'll help Ahmed to improve his English” said the teacher. The teacher promised .

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teach English. While there she married a Portuguese TV journalist in. 1992. Shortly after the birth of her daughter Jessica

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It is true that Choumicha was quite lucky to get into the world of cooking but she really worked hard to prove herself. Adapted from different sources. Page 2 

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