[PDF] escal`atlantique

Down at The Docks

Escal’Atlantic is housed in the huge concrete submarine base built on the site of the old docks in 1940. The formidable Compagnie Générale Transatlantique(also known as The French Line) was founded here in 1862. But the strategic importance of the site, with easy access straight into the Atlantic, led to the inevitable destruction of the old docks ...

The Golden Age of The Great Passenger Liners

The great ocean liners of the past came into their own with the development of steam power. For two centuries they pioneered new routes and opened up the world. The only way to travel from continent to continent, Saint-Nazaire was in the forefront of shipbuilding and became the base for journeys, first to Central America. Some of the ships were wel...

Walk Through A Reconstructed Passenger Liner

Step up a gangplank into the museum and you step inside a life of contrasts where the rich travelled in style, and the poor in steerage. You can take a guided tour (currently only in French though they are working on an English alternative), or guide yourself on a 90-minute tour. The museum is easy to walk through starting with the reception room t...

Third Class Passengers

A little further on you descend to the third class cabins. No luxury here for those people, mostly migrants, escaping the poverty of Europe. A crackling old film shows the journey, where the passengers came from, and their arrival and reception at Ellis Island. Stoic, strong, sometimes frightened, they stepped off the ship to begin a new life in th...

Become A Director of A Maritime Company

It’s worth playing the game on a huge round video table of a map of the world with other visitors. You become the director of a maritime company. Which journey will you take? Le Havre to New York? Saint-Nazaire to Veracruz? Then you’re off, managing your fleet, ships and hopefully the weather.

A Giant Larder

Pause at the panel about the food that had to be taken on board. It’s the 1880s and the ships have to cater for 1638 passengers and 812 staff. Everything is here from fresh parsley to champagne with 2,500 kilos of cheese, 300 pineapples, 8,000 bananas, 15,000 lemons, 20,000 oranges, 7,000 pears and everything else in vast quantities. After all they...

Back on Deck. Quoits Anyone?

You go back through the reception lounge and onto an imagined deck complete with very posh loungers in leather. Copies of their own magazine, L’Atlantiquehang from the chairs. A large screen shows you the passing landscape; a few other ships, seagulls and horror of horrors…icebergs.

The Last Part of The Visit

At the final part of the visit you emerge at the bar where you can order a cocktail. A stairway leads you down, in your sweeping gown of course, to a dining room. Panels on the walls reproduce the original dining rooms while glassware and silver show you how expensive the whole experience was. Everything was over the top in these glorious passenger...

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L Escale Atlantique

L Escale. Atlantique. Lettre d'information mensuelle n° 149. Des infrastructures optimisées. Parmi les dossiers majeurs concernant.

L Escale Atlantique

4 juin 2020 profonde au cœur de l'arc atlantique. ... 2 L'Escale Atlantique N°139 - Lettre d'information mensuelle de Port Atlantique La Rochelle.

L Escale Atlantique

12 oct. 2020 L Escale. Atlantique. Lettre d'information mensuelle n° 142. Ports de commerce CCI et Région : ensemble pour le territoire.

L Escale Atlantique

1 sept. 2020 Le volume de marchandises traitées sur le Port au. 1er semestre 2020. 4 930 529 T. L Escale. Atlantique. Lettre d'information mensuelle ...

L Escale Atlantique

L Escale. Atlantique. Lettre d'information mensuelle n° 151. Le silo Bertrand 2 fait peau neuve. SICA ATLANTIQUE. + d'infos sur www.larochelle.port.fr.

L Escale Atlantique

L Escale. Atlantique. Lettre d'information mensuelle n° 147. La Rochelle hub éolien offshore. ENERGIES MARINES RENOUVELABLES. 1ère escale du Svenja.

L Escale Atlantique

31 déc. 2020 2 L'Escale Atlantique N°143 - Lettre d'information mensuelle de Port ... puisque Port Atlantique La Rochelle et le Lycée Maritime et ...

L Escale Atlantique

à Port Atlantique La Rochelle. 17. Le bilan de la campagne céréalière 2019-2020. 485 Mt. L Escale. Atlantique. Lettre d'information mensuelle n° 140.

L Escale Atlantique

L Escale. Atlantique. Lettre d'information mensuelle n° 144. L'habitat des oiseaux renforcé. Sur ce site artificiel voué à l'activité portuaire.


Escal'Atlantic. Écomusée de Saint-Nazaire // p.7. Heritage Museum Ecomusée. Les sites de visite. Visits. Chantiers de l'Atlantique // p.8. Shipyard.