[PDF] acetone


1 mars 2010 FICHE DEMETER. (Documents pour l'évaluation médicale des produits toxiques vis-à-vis de la reproduction). Acétone. Formule. C3H6O.

Fiche de Données de Sécurité: Acetone

RUBRIQUE 1: Identification de la substance/du mélange et de la société/l'entreprise. 1.1. Identificateur de produit. Identification de la substance. Acetone.


L'exposition à de fortes concentrations d'acétone provoque des effets dépresseurs du système nerveux central et une irritation des muqueuses. L'exposition.


Solvant de l'acétylène. [1 à 3]. L'acétone est un liquide incolore très volatil

Base de données Acétone

Acétone sanguine. Acétone urinaire. Acide formique urinaire. Renseignements utiles sur la substance. Toxicocinétique - Métabolisme.

Fiche de Données de Sécurité: Acétone

1.1. Identificateur de produit. Identification de la substance. Acétone ?995 %

Sans titre

L'acétone est un liquide incolore hautement volatile

No. 1907/2006 ACETONE

ACETONE. R51389 / Version 3.2. 3/103. FR. Symboles de danger acétone. 2.3. Autres dangers. Voir section 12.5 pour les résultats de l'évaluation PBT et ...

Fiche de Données de Sécurité: Acetone

selon le Règlement (CE) no 1907/2006 (REACH). Acetone. Numéro de la version: GHS 1.0. Date d'établissement: 26.07.2021. France: fr. Page: 1 / 13 

acetone 99.5% ar/acs msds n° cas

11 mars 2019 ACETONE 99.5% AR/ACS MSDS. N° CAS: 67-64-1 MSDS. RUBRIQUE 1: Identification de la substance/du mélange et de la société/l'entreprise.


What is acetone? Acetone is a man-made chemical that can also be found naturally in the environment It is a colorless liquid with a distinct smell and taste It evaporates easily in air is flammable and dissolves in water

Acetone - ToxFAQs

Acetone is a chemical that is found naturally in the environment and is also produced by industries Low levels of acetone are normally present in the body from the breakdown of fat; the body can use it in normal processes that make sugar and fat Acetone is a colorless liquid with a distinct smell and taste People begin to smell acetone in air at

Acetone - labchemcom

Substance name : Acetone Chemical name : 2-Propanone CAS-No : 67-64-1 Product code : LC10420 LC10425 Formula : C3H6O Synonyms : 2-propanone / beta-ketopropane / dimethyl formal dehyde / dimethyl ketone / dimethylketal / DMK (=dimethyl ketone) / keto propane / methyl ketone / pyroacetic acid / pyroacetic ether / pyroacetic spirit 1 2

Searches related to acetone PDF

Mar 25 2015 · ACETONE 1 IDENTIFICATION ACETONE CAS # 67-64-1 RTECS: AL3150000 TSCA: TSCS 8(b) SYNONYMS: 2-PROPANONE; DIMETHYL KETONE; DIMETHLYFORMALDEHYDE; PYROACETIC ACID 2 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Potential Acute Health Effects: Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant) of eye contact (irritant) of ingestion of inhalation Slightly hazardous in case

What is acetone?

It is a colorless liquid with a distinct smell and taste. It evaporates easily, is flammable, and dissolves in water. It is also called dimethyl ketone, 2-propanone, and beta-ketopropane. Acetone is used to make plastic, fibers, drugs, and other chemicals. It is also used to dissolve other substances.

How to synthesize acetone?

?ere are many method s to synthesiz e acetone. One of the most ecient method in t his project. Anot her method to synt hesize acetone is ca lled the to form cumene (C H ). Aer reaction, cumene is oxid ized to form ace- method of decomposit ion of isopropyl alc ohol over the c ume ne pro cess met hod. isopropyl alcohol.

How does acetone affect the body?

SUMMARY: Exposure to acetone results mostly from breathing air, drinking water, or coming in contact with products or soil that contain acetone. Exposure to moderate­ to-high amounts of acetone can irritate your eyes and respiratory system, and make you dizzy. Very high exposure may cause you to lose consciousness.

What is the maximum concentration of acetone in the workplace?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has set a maximum concentration limit in workplace air of 1,000 parts of acetone per million parts of air (1,000 ppm) for an 8-hour workday over a 40-hour week to protect workers.

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