[PDF] Fiches pratiques

How do I create a product catalogue?

Here are some things that are normally included in most product catalogs: Pricing: List the price of the product, along with potential discounts. Descriptions: Add product details including things like color, product category or the type of material its made from. Images: Include any professional photos you have of the product.

What should you include in a product catalog?

A product catalog is a type of marketing collateral that lists essential product details that help buyers make a purchase decision. These details include product features, descriptions, dimensions, price, weight, availability, color, customer reviews, and more.

What are the benefits of having a product catalog?

Product catalogs help businesses improve conversion rates as salespeople, and customers/prospects can have contextual conversations instead of spending time on problem discovery and solution. When customers have all the data that they need, they can seek approvals, make decisions, and buy products more efficiently.

How can I make my product catalogue stand out?

Here are some things that are normally included in most product catalogs: Pricing: List the price of the product, along with potential discounts. Descriptions: Add product details including things like color, product category or the type of material its made from. Images: Include any professional photos you have of the product.

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