[PDF] a constant gravitational field

En physique, la constante gravitationnelle, aussi connue comme la constante universelle de gravitation, notée G, est la constante de proportionnalité de la loi universelle de la gravitation d'Isaac Newton. WikipédiaBase SI : mètre cube par kilogramme par seconde carrée m3 kg?1 s?2Dimension : M ?1·L 3·T ?2Nature : Grandeur scalaireSymbole usuel : GUnités SI : newton mètre carré par kilogramme carré (N m2 kg?2)Valeur : 6,674 30(15) × 10?11 m3 kg?1 s?2
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  • What is the gravitational field constant?

    The value of G is (6.6743 ± 0.00015) × 10?11 m3 kg?1 s?2. It must be pointed out that G occupies a rather anomalous position among the other constants of physics. In the first place, the mass M of any celestial object cannot be determined independently of the gravitational attraction that it exerts.
  • Is Earth's gravitational field constant?

    Gravity on the Earth's surface varies by around 0.7%, from 9.7639 m/s2 on the Nevado Huascarán mountain in Peru to 9.8337 m/s2 at the surface of the Arctic Ocean.
  • Gravity (or the acceleration due to gravity) is 9.81 meters per second squared, on the surface of Earth, because of the size of Earth and the distance we are on its surface from its center.
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