[PDF] diego rivera fresque detroit

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Regards sur la société industrielle

Auteur : DE RIVERA Diego (1886-1957). Titre : L'Industrie de Détroit ou L'Homme et la Machine. Nature : fresque murale. Date : 1932-1933.

Scénario pédagogique - Detroit Power

les fresques murales du peintre mexicain Diego Rivera (1886-1957) visibles au « Detroit. Institute of Arts ». Supports : Photo panoramique interactive 

Lettre de la rédaction

numéro des fresques intitulées Detroit Industry peintes par Diego Rivera au Detroit Institute of Arts. L'institut a commandé en 1932 à l'artiste mexicain un 

Les peintures murales de Diego Rivera : œuvre fragmentaire ?

De même dans les fresques de l'Institute of Arts

Histoire des Arts – Cours dHistoire-Géo Mme Normand & Mme

commande du groupe Ford Diego Rivera exécute en 1932-1933 deux fresques murales ... intérieure d'un édifice devenu le Detroit Institute of Arts. Rivera ...


Le travail aux usines Ford de Detroit en 1933 fresque de Diego Rivera. On pourra trouver dans un article de J.-P. Salles

Dossier documentaire et pédagogique pour les enseignants

1931 : Le couple s'installe à Détroit dans le cadre d'une nouvelle Tina Modotti Diego Rivera travaillant sur la fresque « La Création » à l'Ecole ...

Le séjour aux Etats Unis De 1931 à 1933 Frida Kahlo et Diego

De 1931 à 1933 Frida Kahlo et Diego Rivera effectuent aux États-Unis un long séjour qui les conduit de New-York à Detroit. Dans cette ville industrielle

Power Point LE CLEZIO

Evoquer Diego et Frida couple mythique d'artistes engagés

ART Rivera Kahlo and the Detroit Murals - clasberkeleyedu

30 Fall 2019 31 Diego Rivera “Detroit Industry” north wall detail 1932-33 fresco Image courtesy of the Detroit Institute of Arts Rivera Kahlo and the Detroit Murals T he year 1932 was not a good time to come to Detroit Michigan The Great Depression cast dark clouds over the city

  • The Impact of The Great Depression

    When the Mexican artist Diego Rivera arrived in Detroit in 1932 to paint these walls, the city was a leading industrial center of the world. It was also the city that was hit the hardest by the Great Depression. Industrial production and the workforce were a third of what they had been before the 1929 Crash. Rivera arrived days after an infamous Hu...

  • East Wall

    The space he was given to paint was aligned on an east/west/north/south axis. Rivera utilized this architectural orientation in a symbolic way. On the east wall, the direction of the sunrise, beginnings, new life, he represented a child in the bulb of a plant cradled by two plowshares and framed on either side by hefty nudes holding grain and fruit...

  • North and South Walls

    The manufacture of the 1932 Ford V-8 at the Ford Motor Company’s River Rouge plant is captured in the two major panels on the north and south walls. On the north wall, the direction of darkness, and the interior of things—Rivera captured all the processes related to the assembly of the motor. The blast furnace glows orange and red at extreme temper...

  • The West Wall

    The west wall, the direction of sunsets, endings, and last judgments, Rivera painted passenger planes and bombers. Here the constructive and destructive uses of technology are clearly presented. The panels below the planes depict a dove and a hawk to underscore the theme.

What are the “Detroit Industry Murals” by Diego Rivera?

The “Detroit Industry Murals” by Diego Rivera are a series of twenty-seven frescoes depicting industry in Detroit in the 1930s. At the time, Detroit manufactured automobiles, ships, tractors, and airplanes and was an impressive integrated industrial manufacturing center.

When did Diego Rivera come to Detroit?

View toward the south-east (detail), Diego Rivera, Detroit Industry murals, 1932-33, twenty-seven fresco panels at the Detroit Institute of Arts (photo: Lars K. Christensen, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) When the Mexican artist Diego Rivera arrived in Detroit in 1932 to paint these walls, the city was a leading industrial center of the world.

What did Diego Rivera do on the north wall?

North wall (detail), Diego Rivera, Detroit Industry murals, 1932-33, twenty-seven fresco panels at the Detroit Institute of Arts (photo: quickfix, CC BY-SA 2.0) On the north wall, the direction of darkness, and the interior of things—Rivera captured all the processes related to the assembly of the motor.

What axis did Diego Rivera paint a mural on?

East wall (detail), Diego Rivera, Detroit Industry murals, twenty-seven fresco panels at the Detroit Institute of Arts (photo: Maia C, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) The space he was given to paint was aligned on an east/west/north/south axis. Rivera utilized this architectural orientation in a symbolic way.

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