[PDF] Hervé Télémaque (1937 - ) My Darling Clementine, 1963 Huile sur - Anciens Et Réunions

Who is Hervé Télémaque?

Hervé Télémaque (5 November 1937 – 10 November 2022) was a French painter of Haitian origin, associated with the surrealism and the narrative figuration movements. He lived and worked in Paris from 1961 on. Télémaque was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Following a health problem, he had to give up his hopes of competing in sports.

Who was François Télémaque?

Télémaque was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Following a health problem, he had to give up his hopes of competing in sports. In 1957, when François Duvalier came to power, he left Haiti for New York City and joined the Art Student's League until 1960, when his teacher, the painter Julian Levi, encouraged his artistic vocation.

When did Télémaque return to painting?

Télémaque, returned to painting in 1970, with his series "Les Passages" and "Suites à Magritte", adopting a refined style formed by solid colours ( Caca-Soleil !, 1970, MNAM, of duchampian spirit), and indulged in drawing and collages from 1974, with his series "Selles" in 1977, then "Maisons rurales" in 1980.

Why did Pierre Télémaque paint a Sirène?

As early as 1959, his painting entitled Sirène ( Musée Sainte-Croix) marked his uniqueness. Télémaque wanted to be reality-based and escape abstraction: even the title refers to his daily life, evoking the boats sirens he heard from his room in Brooklyn Heights.

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Fondation Clément

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