Publication History

Hespéris began in 1921 as a merger between two older serials, "Archives Berberes" and the Bulletin of l'Institut des Hautes-Études Marocaines. In 1960, it merged with another serial, "Tamuda", to become "Hespéris-Tamuda", a journal that is still published today.

Persistent Archives of Complete Issues

1921-1959: The National Library of Morocco has volumes 1-47available for download as PDFs, apparently in cooperation with the publisher.

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What is Hespéris?

Hespéris: Archives Berbères et Bulletin de l'Institut des Hautes-Études Marocaineswas a French-language journal of Moroccan and North African studies. Publication History Hespéris began in 1921 as a merger between two older serials, "Archives Berberes" and the Bulletin of l'Institut des Hautes-Études Marocaines.

Is Tamuda the same as Hespéris?

The Spanish protectorate authorities in the Khalifian Zone (northern Morocco) had created a similar review entitled Tamuda, which published texts of the same nature as Hespéris in Spanish.

Is Hespéris-Tamuda still published?

In 1960, it merged with another serial, "Tamuda", to become "Hespéris-Tamuda", a journal that is still published today. Persistent Archives of Complete Issues

Will Hespéris-Tamuda be included in other Clarivate Analytics products and services?

In the future, Hespéris-Tamuda could be submitted for inclusion in other Clarivate Analytics products and services to be able to better meet the needs of researchers around the world.

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La revue Hespéris - Tamuda est consacrée à l'étude du Maroc de sa société


La revue Hespéris • Tamuda est consacrée à l'étude du Maroc (7) D. Eustache


HESPERIS. Document interne Ministère de l'Intérieur DSIC – 20/09/2016 http://hesperisng.dsic.minint.fr/. Page 10. Document 7. ICASSO 2.


La revue HESPERIS-TAMUDA est consa- crée à l'étude du Maroc de son soI.. de ses popu- lations


La revue HESPERIS"TAMUlJA publiée par la section de recherche de la Faculté des Let- tres est consacrée à l'étude du Maroc


HESPÉRIS. TOME XX. Année J 935. Fascicules f-I1. SOMMAIRE. Pages. H.-P.-J. RENAUD. -. Un Chirurgien musulman du royaume de Grenade: l~fuQammadAs-Safra.


HESPERIS. Année 1941. TOME XXVIII. Fascicule unique. SOMMAIRE. E. LI~VI-PROVENÇAL. ~. Un recueil de lettres officielles almohades.


(Cf. L Brunot

Hespéris-Tamuda LIV (2) (2019): 39-66 - Larchéologie médiévale

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