[PDF] advantage of using interface in java

  • #1 Modularity and flexibility. Interfaces allow you to break your code into smaller, more modular pieces.
  • #2 Polymorphism. Interfaces enable polymorphism in Java, allowing objects of different classes to be treated as if they have the same behavior.
  • #3 Abstraction.
  • #4 Multiple inheritance.
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  • What are the benefits of using interface?

    - Interfaces function to break up the complex designs and clear the dependencies between objects. Disadvantages : - Java interfaces are slower and more limited than other ones. - Interface should be used multiple number of times else there is hardly any use of having them.
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of interfaces in Java?

    Having interfaces separate from classes allows for clear separation between, well, the interface of an object and its implementation. Without them you would have no standard way to indicate that some class should not contain implementation details at all.
  • Why use an interface instead of a class Java?

    We can inherit enormously more classes than Inheritance, if we use Interface. Methods can be defined inside the class in case of Inheritance. Methods cannot be defined inside the class in case of Interface (except by using static and default keywords). It overloads the system if we try to extend a lot of classes.
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