[PDF] bac histoire oib

What Is The OIB?

The International Option of the French Baccalaureate, or option internationale du baccalauréat (OIB), combines the breadth and rigor of the French Baccalaureate with extra subjects taught and examined in another language, resulting in a bilingual, bicultural diploma. France is the only country in the world to have officially incorporated an optiona...

What Is An American International section?

The American International Section is a bilingual and bicultural program. International Sections (IS) have been introduced by the French Ministry of Education in cooperation with partner countries. In the United States, the French Ministry of Education has partnered with College Board. International Sections are programs of bilateral cooperation be...

Who Is Enrolled in An American International section?

The American International Section has high standards. Students may be enrolled from 1st grade (CP) to 12th grade (terminale). Students enrolled in this IS are taught the core syllabus, which enables them to follow advanced classes taught in the language of the partner country. From middle school (collège), students have the opportunity to take Eng...

Who Are The Teachers in An American International section?

Teachers in the American International Section are usually native speakers of the language they teach and hold a teaching certificate from the partner country. Teachers who are French have experience teaching in the school system of the section's partner country. In all cases, teacher appointments must be approved by the French education minister. ...

Exams and Diplomas

Students enrolled in the International Section take specific exams toward the end of school diploma (diplôme national du brevet (DNB)) and the baccalauréa to be awarded the international option of the DNB and the international option of the baccalauréat(OIB). This certificate is widely recognized by foreign universities.

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What is the International option of the French Baccalaureate (OIB)?

What is the OIB? The International Option of the French Baccalaureate, or option internationale du baccalauréat (OIB), combines the breadth and rigor of the French Baccalaureate with extra subjects taught and examined in another language, resulting in a bilingual, bicultural diploma.

What subjects are included in the British version of the OIB?

Candidates for the British version of the OIB study two subjects in English in addition to the full curriculum of the Baccalauréat Général: English Language & Literature and History-Geography. Cambridge Assessment International Education provides quality assurance to align the examinations of these two subjects to the UK A Level. 2.

What syllabus do OIB candidates follow?

OIB candidates follow a syllabus which isprimarily adapted from the syllabus offered in Grade 12 for Bac ES students, with adaptations specific to the American Option (e.g. Topic 5 in History and relevant country-specific geography case studies).

What are the OIB/BFI English language and literature examinations?

The OIB/BFI English Language and Literature examinations are first language examinations. The literature component is examined and assessed at a level equivalent to A level English Literature, and is based on the study of texts with a similar level of challenge to those set for A level.

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Loption internationale du baccalauréat • OIB •

Pour l'examen du baccalauréat l'histoire-géographie ainsi que la littérature de langue anglaise sont plus fortement pondérées (poids de 15 pour les deux 


7 juin 2022 Histoire géographie géopolitique et sciences politiques ... Epreuves orales spécifiques des sections internationales (OIB) et binationales ...


Ministère de l'Education Nationale en charge de l'OIB) Cambridge Assessment heures d'enseignement de langue-littérature et d'histoire-géographie.

Pourquoi choisir lOption Internationale du Baccalauréat ?

supérieures aux élèves de l'OIB et séduit les futurs recruteurs. Non OIB. OIB. Par rapport au cursus non OIB. Seconde. LVA arabe : 5 H. Histoire-Géographie 

Loption internationale du baccalauréat • OIB •

Pour l'examen du baccalauréat l'histoire-géographie ainsi que la littérature de langue anglaise sont plus fortement pondérées (poids de 15 pour les deux 


supérieures aux élèves de l'OIB et séduit les futurs recruteurs. Non OIB. OIB. Par rapport au cursus non OIB. Seconde LVA arabe : 5 H. Histoire-Géographie : 


spécifiques et l'organisation du Baccalauréat OIB américaine. L'OPTION INTERNATIONALE DU culture: la langue littérature et l'histoire géographie.

Filière OIB – Section américaine HISTOIRE GÉOGRAPHIE

qui correspondent bien aux attentes de tous les acteurs. ATTENTION : l'Option Internationale du Baccalauréat (OIB) est une option pour le Bac général. Il n 


7 mars 2022 Option internationale du baccalauréat. Histoire géographie. 08h00 - 12h00 (sauf OIB-brésilienne : 13h-17h). Abibac - Bachibac-Esabac.

Calendriers Bac-DNB 2021.xlsx

5 mars 2021 Calendrier des épreuves du baccalauréat 2021 ... (1) Les oraux de l'OIB devront être organisés les 10 ... Histoire/géographie OIB (4h).

International Option of the French Baccalaureate (OIB)

The Option Internationale du Baccalauréat (OIB) (see: https://qips ucas com/qip/france-option-internationale-du-baccalaureat-oib-assessed-from-2021) is a special version of the French Baccalauréat Général (see https://qips ucas com/qip/france-baccalaureat-general-assessed-from-2021) taken by

Searches related to bac histoire oib

With Literature the OIB represents 30/120 points 25 of the total baccalaureate mark Therefore the OIB is not suited for anyone not prepared to engage seriously in History and Geography study The OIB diploma allows students to study in both French and British Universities