[PDF] causes of migration to colonial north america

Colonists came to America because they wanted political liberty. They wanted religious freedom and economic opportunity. The United States is a country where individual rights and self-government are important.
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  • What were the three main reasons for colonization of North America?

    Historians generally recognize three motives for European exploration and colonization in the New World: God, gold, and glory.

  • Why did people migrate from Britain to the colonies?

    Early colonisation was often due to economic pressures in England.
    Push factors led to the decision to migrate.
    As the English took hold of the Eastern seaboard of North America the English moving there were not all rich, expectant prospectors.
    Many were escaping a wretched life.

  • What are the causes of immigration to the United States?

    Immigration is the process of moving to a new country or region with the intention of staying and living there.
    People may choose to immigrate for a variety of reasons, such as employment opportunities, to escape a violent conflict, environmental factors, educational purposes, or to reunite with family.

  • What are the causes of immigration to the United States?

    Settlers in the Southern colonies came to America to seek economic prosperity they could not find in Old England.
    The English countryside provided a grand existence of stately manors and high living.

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