[PDF] algorithm better than k means

DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) is a clustering algorithm that is often considered to be superior to k-means clustering in many situations.
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  • What is the alternative to K-means?

    The K-means method is sensitive to outliers. An alternative to k-means clustering is the K-medoids clustering or PAM (Partitioning Around Medoids, Kaufman & Rousseeuw, 1990), which is less sensitive to outliers compared to k-means. Read more: Partitioning Clustering methods.
  • Is GMM better than K-means?

    The performance of GMM is better than that of K-means. The three clusters in GMM plot are closer to the original ones. Also, we compute the error rate (percentage of misclassified points) which should be the smaller the better. The Error rate of GMM is 0.0333, while that of K-means is 0.1067.
  • Is K-means ++ better than K-means?

    K-means can give different results on different runs. The k-means++ paper provides monte-carlo simulation results that show that k-means++ is both faster and provides a better performance, so there is no guarantee, but it may be better.
  • Top 12 Clustering Algorithms

    K-Means Algorithm. Mean-Shift Algorithm. DBSCAN Algorithm. Expectation-Maximization Clustering using Gaussian Mixture Models. Agglomerative Hierarchical Algorithm. Divisive Hierarchical Algorithm. OPTICS Algorithm (Ordering Points To Identify Cluster Structure)
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Alternatives to the k-means algorithm that find better clusterings

These approaches are beneficial but they are attempting to fix the problems of clustering algorithms externally

Spectral Rotation versus K-Means in Spectral Vectors Clustering

Spectral clustering has been a popular data clustering algorithm. This category of approaches often resort to other clustering methods such as K-Means

Performance Comparison of Incremental K-means and Incremental

improved version of K-means clustering algorithm. This algorithm will perform better than DBSCAN while handling clusters of circularly distributed data 

A Better k-means++ Algorithm via Local Search

The k-means++ seeding algorithm (Arthur & Vassilvitskii less than 1.0013

Improving the K-means algorithm using improved downhill simplex

that the proposed algorithm is clusters the data better than k- means algorithm because the improved downhill simplex algorithm selects the better fist 

K-means vs Mini Batch K-means: A comparison

The advantage of this algorithm is to reduce the computational cost by not using all the dataset each iteration but a subsample of a fixed size. This strategy 

K-NN Classifier Performs Better Than K-Means Clustering in Missing

Thus the purpose of K-mean clustering is to classify the data. V. Imputation with K-nearest Neighbor Algorithm. Nearest Neighbour Analysis is a method for 

Analysis of K-Means and K-Medoidss Performance Using Big Data

time and time complexity of the algorithm. In terms of accuracy K-Medoids is better than K-Means with an average accuracy of 63.24%

A Comparison of Document Clustering Techniques

standard K-means approach and as good or better than the hierarchical approaches that we However if one clustering algorithm performs better than other ...


clustering algorithm. In this paper we prove the hypothesis “Fuzzy K-Means is better than K-Means for. Clustering” through both literature and empirical