[PDF] Hilary M. Weston Scholarship Bourse d`e tudes Hilary M. Weston

Category 1: Community Action Plan

Recognizes communities that have developed a formal age-friendly community action plan with community engagement and municipal support, and that have posted it publicly.

Category 2: Implementation and Evaluation

Recognizes communities that have demonstrated outstanding commitment to implementing and evaluating their age-friendly community action plan, and that engage in continuous improvement.

Who Is Eligible

You can submit a nomination if you represent a local government or a community organization that can demonstrate its local government’s support. Nominees must be a local government: 1. municipalities (single-tier, upper-tier or lower-tier municipalities) 2. district social services administration boards 3. First Nations, Inuit or Métis band council...

Nominate Someone

If you represent a local government or community group, fill out a nomination form with your nominee’s information that includes: 1. a list of members of the age-friendly community steering committee or advisory group (note: this must include local older adults) 2. the committee’s or group’s terms of reference 3. a copy of the local government coun...

Selection Process

The Ministry of Seniors Affairs reviews all nominations. Applications are assessed based on the following age-friendly principles: 1. participation of local seniors – older adults in the community are engaged in the initiative, such as being members of the committee or collaborative leading the initiative 2. engagement of local partners – a broad r...

Award Presentation

Communities will receive awards in spring 2018. More details about the award presentations will be available soon.


The person you nominate (the nominee) must be a resident of Ontario. You cannot nominate: 1. yourself 2. someone who has passed away 3. an elected federal, provincial or municipal representative currently in office 4. a public appointee if their achievements relate to their current appointment 5. someone for acts of bravery

Required Information

To submit a nomination, you will need to provide: 1. The nominee’s first name, last name, email address and phone number. 2. The nominator’s first name, last name, email address and phone number. 3. A detailed description of the nominee’s achievements. 4. At least two signed testimonial letters. The letters must be from two different people who are...

How to Nominate Someone

Gather the required information.

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What is a Hilary Weston Scholarship?

The award certificates are presented to recipients at a local event, typically during Seniors' Month in June. The Hilary M. Weston Scholarship commemorates the legacy of Ontario’s 26th Lieutenant Governor and is awarded to two graduate-level social work students in the area of mental health.

Who is the Hilary and Galen Weston Foundation?

Ottawa, ON Thank You to The Hilary and Galen Weston Foundation The Equal Voice Foundation is honoured to have the support of The Hilary and Galen Weston Foundation. Thanks to their generosity, we will be able to provide leadership training and campaign schools to increase women’s participation at all levels of Canadian politics.

What scholarships does Westonbirt offer?

Westonbirt offer a wide range of Scholarships to recognise academic, sporting, musical (including Choral), dramatic (including Performing Arts) and artistic talent. Scholarships are normally awarded on entry to Y7, Y9 and Y12, and come with a discount of 10% to tuition (day) fees.

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La Bourse: La Bourse d’études Hilary M Weston est aordée haque année à deux étudiants insrits à temps plein à un programme de deuxième ou de troisième cycle en travail social dans une université financée par les fonds publics Admissibilité : - Pour être admissiles à une ourse d’études les andidats doivent avoir manifesté

Hilary M Weston Scholarship

Hilary M Weston Scholarship Purpose: The Government of Ontario has created the Hilary M Weston Scholarship to commemorate The Honourable Hilary M Weston’s term in office as Lieutenant Governor of Ontario Amount: $7500 Deadline: December 15 Who can receive these awards? To be eligible you must: