[PDF] concluding sentence in a paragraph

A concluding sentence is the last sentence of a paragraph. It should firmly close your paragraph or argument. These sentences support your thesis and mirror your topic sentence, but often go one step further by including a major point from the body of your paragraph.
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  • What is an example of a concluding sentence in a paragraph?

    The following is an example of a concluding statement and final thought: You can gain both muscle and stamina if you follow these simple steps. Although any exercise program takes time, the results are bound to please.

  • How do you write a concluding statement for a paragraph?

    How to Write a Conclusion in 3 Easy Steps

    1Step 1: Restate Your Thesis Claim and Evidence.
    The conclusion's primary role is to convince the reader that your argument is valid.
    2Step 2: Provide New and Interesting Insight. 3Step 3: Form a Personal Connection With the Reader.

  • How do you write a concluding statement for a paragraph?

    A strong conclusion aims to:

    Tie together the essay's main points.Show why your argument matters.Leave the reader with a strong impression.

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Topic and Concluding Sentences Reference Sheet.pdf

Transition to the next paragraph if you're writing an essay. Examples. Topic Sentence. Concluding Sentence. Staying safe while making soap is of the utmost 

4 Supporting and Concluding Sentences

Good writers think of these questions when they write supporting sentences for the topic sentence. Activity 1. Predicting Paragraph content from the controlling 

Transition Sentences

They bring out the logical relation between ideas sentences

Example Independent Writing Items ELA Indicator 2.1.b

The student is asked to determine the sentence that best concludes the paragraph and then to identify why this is the best concluding sentence.

The Two-Chunk Paragraph Method

“chunks” of information and then reassert your point in a concluding sentence. Outline. Here is the outline for a two-chunk paragraph:.

Jane Schaffer Writing Strategy

How to Write an Effective Paragraph. Created by Hollie Gustke and Concluding Sentences (CS). ... TS = first sentence of the paragraph.

Outline Structure for Literary Analysis Essay

E. Closing sentence (wrap up the paragraph to effectively transition to the next paragraph). IV. Paragraph 3: Second Body Paragraph. A. Topic sentence (what 


You know your paper needs an introduction and a conclusion but what about all the stuff that comes in between? To write successfully

The Five-Paragraph Essay

supporting the topic sentence of the essay. Finish the first paragraph with a concluding or summary sentence. It must also contain a transitional “hook” 

Introduction Conclusion Body Paragraph #1 Body Paragraph #2

For example your topic sentence for body #1 could read