[PDF] conditional jump instructions in 8085

In 8085 Instruction set, we are having one mnemonic JP a16, which stands for “Jump if Positive” and “a16” stands for any 16-bit address. This instruction is used to jump to the address a16 as provided in the instruction. But as it is a conditional jump so it will happen if and only if the present sign flag value is 0.
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  • What is conditional jump instruction in 8085 microprocessor?

    (b) Conditional Jump Instructions: Transfers the program sequence to the described memory address only if the condition in satisfied. 2.
    Call Instructions – The call instruction transfers the program sequence to the memory address given in the operand.7 mai 2023

  • What are the conditional jump instructions?

    A conditional jump instruction, like "je" (jump-if-equal), does a goto somewhere if the two values satisfy the right condition.
    For example, if the values are equal, subtracting them results in zero, so "je" is the same as "jz".

  • What is the jump instruction in 8085 bytes?

    These jumps test the status of the appropriate flags and jump accordingly to the specified address, given by the two bytes following the jump instruction in the order (Low Byte, High Byte).
    The types of JUMPs supported are: 1. JMP (address) :- This instruction jumps unconditionally to the specified address.

  • What is the jump instruction in 8085 bytes?

    2) Conditional Jumps
    In these types of instructions, the processor must check for the particular condition.
    If it is true, then only the jump takes place else the normal flow in the execution of the statements is maintained.
    The ALU operations set flags in the status word (Flag register).

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Data Transfer Instructions

a result of executing a branch instruction. Conditional Jump Instructions. ... There are 4 instructions to reset the accumulator in 8085.


To study the comparison capabilities of the 8085 microprocessor and to further investigate the conditional and unconditional branch instructions. THEORY:.


INSTRUCTIONS. All conditional Jump instructions in the 8085 are 3-byte instructions; the second byte specifies the low-order (line number) memory address 

1. The instruction that is used to transfer the data from source

The conditional branch instruction specify ______ for branching The First Microprocessor was__________. A. Intel 4004 B. 8080. C. 8085.

8085 Microprocessor Question Bank

8085 Microprocessor architecture-Addressing modes- Instruction set-Programming All conditional Jump instructions in the 8085 are 3-byte instructions; ...

Unit II Assembly Language Programs (8085 only) Flow chart

Parity flag. Instruction: All conditional Jump instructions in the 8085 are 3-byte instructions; the second byte specifies the low-order (line number) memory 

Microprocessor - 8085 Architecture

In 8085 Instruction set DCX SP instruction is used to decrement the SP contents by 1 Unconditional Jump Instructions and Conditional Jump Instructions.


location specified by the 16-bit address given in the operand based on the specified flag of the PSW. Example: JZ 2034 H. Page 58. Jump Conditionally.

UNIT 2 programming the 8085

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