[PDF] conflict theory and white collar crime

The theory suggests that class conflict causes crime in any society, and that those in power create laws to protect their rights and interests. For example, embezzlement by employees is as a violation of law to protect the interests of the employer.
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  • How does conflict theory explain white-collar crime?

    From the conflict view, this would be because white-collar and corporate crime is committed by the 'haves' and they write their laws and define what is or is not a crime.
    Going back to how we define crime in society, white-collar crime is still a contested one.

  • How does conflict theory describe crime?

    The basic concept of conflict criminology is that the unequal distribution of wealth and power in society contribute to the frequency of crime.
    The elite commit crimes to gain more wealth and maintain their powerful status, while the poor commit crimes to try to alleviate their financial struggles.

  • What theory supports white-collar crime?

    Rational Choice Theory, created by Cesare Beccaria in 1764, explains white collar crime as a life of balancing choices and choosing the one with the most reward.
    Although Beccaria is best known for his work on the death penalty, he contended that crimes are committed through making rational choices.

  • What theory supports white-collar crime?

    A conflict theorist would note that those in society who hold the power make the laws concerning crime that benefit their own interests, while the powerless classes who lack the resources to make such decisions suffer the consequences.

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