[PDF] John Sherlock

Inside Jokes

It doesn't take long from when Sherlock and John first meet for them to start forming their own inside jokes. The two share a particular sense of humor that, despite what many might think about them from the outside, shows just how much they actually have in common.

They Say It How It Is

John and Sherlock are a great pair, but that doesn't mean they get along all the time. When push comes to shove, difficult things have to be said--usually coming from John, about some insensitivity Sherlock has committed. This is actually a good thing, though, because it shows that neither is afraid to say what they think around the other.

They Are Playful

The key to most friendships is an ability to play together, and not in the childish way most people associate with the word "play"--at least not usually. In the case of John and Sherlock, the two might deal with very serious issues in their day to day, but they charge these with enthusiastic energy which is speckled with small moments of joy and li...

Both Are Outcasts

Sherlock often seems like the biggest outcast of the show, but fans will recall that Sherlock and John actually ended up together because neither could imagine a roommate who would possibly want to live with them. RELATED: 5 Times We Felt Sorry For Sherlock (& 5 Times We Hated Him) John comes off as pretty straight-forward of a person, but in reali...

They Feed on Danger

It's a rarity to find someone who clicks with the same strange quirks one has, and John and Sherlock find this in one another. Until meeting Sherlock, John was missing something in his life--he just didn't realize what it was. Sherlock vaulting John along onto his dangerous adventures opens up a world of purpose that both men can immerse themselves...

They Challenge Each Other

John can be very conventional, and Sherlock can be completely oblivious to basic rules of human engagement. Sherlock helps John to challenge his default conceptions of society and social behavior, and in turn, John helps Sherlock to understand how to behave in a way that doesn't hurt those around, allowing him to form more healthy relationships wit...

They Know Each Other's Flaws

Knowing a friend's flaws can make or break a relationship. But, with Sherlock and John, it makes it. Sometimes, once a person finds out the other's flaws, they are too put off to stay friends with them. RELATED: Sherlock Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses Other times, knowing someone has faults can actually make the relationship more inte...

They Even Each Other Out

Sherlock is messy, John is clean--although it's hard to know, because Sherlock's mess dominates their apartment, thus making it difficult to ascertain much about John's habits. Sherlock is also particularly needy and has trouble keeping in his emotions. John is almost the opposite of all of these things, which, rather than pulling the two apart, al...

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Who is better, Sherlock or Mycroft?

Mycroft is smarter than sherlock, both in the books and on the show. It has been stated and proven in both cases, however Moriarty is either just as intelligent as sherlock, or almost as intelligent. The only reason sherlock ”outsmarted” Moriarty, was because Mycroft helped him.

Who is your Sherlock soul mate?

Perhaps Soul Mate actually refers to the person who is the key to your lock. All of your locks. They are your house key, car key, safe deposit box key, all at once. Maybe that's why, until you meet them, you are only part of yourself. You can't unlock all of your locks.

Who was Sherlock Holmes in real life?

The British writer Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) created Sherlock Holmes. Doyle was a remarkable man, the son of an alcoholic Irish artist. He became a medical doctor, writer, freemason, and spiritualist. Conan Doyle created the character of Holmes when he was 27. Initially, found it very difficult to find a publisher.

Who is the Real Sherlock Holmes?

While there he met Joseph Bell, who at the time was 39 and a surgeon for the Royal Infirmary. Joseph Bell is said to be the “real-life” Sherlock Holmes. Doyle soon became his outpatient clerk. This relationship between a brilliant, logical thinker and his supportive sidekick would later mirror that of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.

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John Sherlock

John Sherlock is Senior Vice President of Marketing for Philadelphia. Insurance Companies in Bala Cynwyd PA. (PHLY) Through his executive level.

Dr John H. Watson: Sherlock Holmes Companion and Biographer

detective” Sherlock Holmes and his loyal confidant Dr John Watson created in 1887 by British writer Arthur Conan Doyle. (1859-1930).

a study in pink shooting script - green amended 18/04/10 1.

Sherlock has swivelled round in his chair --. -- to see John Watson who has already reached into his jacket and is proffering his phone (a rather swish 

A Study in Sherlock

But we might ask why nearly 120 years after he was first introduced

Application for 2011 LAUC PRESENTATION GRANT John Sherlock

John Sherlock. Rare Books and Special Collections Librarian. Shields Library Special Collection Department. 100 North West Quad

Reyes Fitness Centers Inc.: The Strategic HR Opportunity

By John Sherlock Ph.D. STRaTegIC HR ManageMenT. Student Workbook. Page 2. Project team.


Doctor John Watson is introduced to Sherlock Holmes a brilliant detective who often helps the police with difficult cases. The police approach Sherlock now 

What was Sherlock Holmes Alma Mater? Elementary: St. John

Sherlock Holmes remains strong. This is just as true at St. John Fisher College as anywhere else where the immortal detective stories of Sir Arthur Conan 

Holmes and Watson or Sherlock and John: A Homoerotic Reading

As noted the BBC series Sherlock is a modernized update based on the works by Sir. Arthur Conan Doyle. Even though it is more difficult to see the homoerotic