[PDF] The ICAO Aviation Security Programme The ICAO Aviation Security

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२०१७ अगस्ट ३ – Amendment 15 to Annex 17; updated ICAO Aviation Security Manual. (Doc 8973- Restricted). • Proactive to new threats. – Addressing new and ...


२०१७ सेप्टेम्बर १७ Amendment 15 to Annex 17 has become applicable on 3 August 2017. As of ... ICAO Aviation Security Manual (Doc 8973- restricted). ISD-SEC has ...

Necessity to anticipate strategies to tackle the security challenges Necessity to anticipate strategies to tackle the security challenges

Annex 17 — Security. Doc 8973 Aviation Security Manual. International Civil Aviation Organization. WORKING PAPER. A40-WP/473. EX/199. 30/8/19.

NACC/DCA/08 — IP/08 06/07/18 Eighth Meeting of the North

२०१८ जुलाई ६ document number and will be published as ICAO Doc 10108 and placed on the ICAO-Net under ... 5.1. Proposals for Amendment 17 to Annex 17 were ...

AVSEC/FAL/RG/10 — WP/14 06/03/20 Tenth Meeting of the ICAO

२०२० मार्च ६ Strategic. Objectives: • Security & Facilitation. References: • Annex 17 of Chicago Convention. • DOC 8973 – Aviation Security Manual. Page 2 ...

ATM Cyber Security Awareness Workshop Part II

२०१९ सेप्टेम्बर २० ICAO Annex 17 Guidance Material. © EUROCONTROL. PPT1 .10. Annex 17. How to implement? Security. Manual. Doc 9985. ** 8th edition added. Chapter ...

Présentation PowerPoint

▷ Standard 4.2.4 of Annex 17. ▷ Standard 3.4.1 of Annex 17 stipulate that. ▷ Security Manual (Doc. 8973) states that. AFCAC - African Civil Aviation 

The National Civil Aviation Security Programme (NCASP)

२०१८ मार्च ८ Annex 17 and Annex 9 requirements. 3. Development of a NCASP ... Manual (Doc 8973/9 -. Restricted). • ICAO. • Aviation Act. • Legislation.

Presentation overview

२०२३ जुन २२ 13th Edition of the ICAO Aviation Security Manual (Doc 8973 - Restricted) is published in ... Annex 17 to the Chicago Convention – Aviation ...


Credit card orders (American Express MasterCard and Visa) are accepted at ICAO Headquarters. International Civil Aviation Organization. Attention: Document 

National Civil Aviation Security Programme

18 Oct 2018 Cimientos para la preparación del PNSAC. International. • Annex 17. • ICAO´s Doc 8973. (Restricted). National. • Aviation Act. • Legislation.

ATM Cyber Security Awareness Workshop Part II

20 Sept 2019 Aviation Security Regulations & Guidance - ICAO. 8. Annex 17 amend. 13 ... ICAO Annex 17 Guidance Material ... (See also Ch9 of Doc 8973).

The National Civil Aviation Security Programme (NCASP)

8 Mar 2018 Annex 17 and Annex 9 requirements ... Manual (Doc 8973/9 -. Restricted). • ICAO. • Aviation Act. • Legislation. • Regulations. • Decrees.


Proposed Amendment 16 to Annex 17 will be presented to the Council for adoption The 10th Edition of the ICAO Aviation Security Manual (Doc 8973 —.

Doc 10047 Aviation Security Oversight Manual

2 Jan 2019 Annexes to the Chicago Convention (primarily Annex 17 — Security — Safeguarding ... In addition the Aviation Security Manual (Doc 8973 —.

The ICAO Aviation Security Programme The ICAO Aviation Security

Annex 17 Standards only. Security measures and Applicability of Annex 17 to domestic operations ... ICAO Doc 8973


8 May 2019 a) Support the ICAO Aviation Cybersecurity Strategy and require that ICAO work ... Annex 17 – Security Doc 8973


30 Jun 2021 ... Appendix 30 of the ICAO Aviation Security Manual Doc 8973

NACC/DCA/09 — WP/08 21/05/19 Ninth Meeting of the North

21 May 2019 Doc 10075 Assembly Resolutions in Force (as of 6 October 2016). Annex 17 – Security. Doc 8973 – Restricted

Aircraft Operator Security Programmes and Supplementary

edition of the ICAO Aviation Security Manual (Doc 8973 – Restricted) which is scheduled to be published by November 2022 Published by authority of the Secretary General September 2022 International Civil Aviation Organization

What is the content of ICAO Annex 17? – KnowledgeBurrowcom

The ICAO Aviation Security Manual (Doc 8973 –Restricted) aims to assist States with the implementation of Annex 17 by providing guidance primarily on how to apply SARPs This document is revised continuously in order to address new threats and technological improvements to prevent acts of unlawful interference Published 12th

Compilation of Cyber Security Regulations Standards and

Doc 8973 Aviation Security Manual (Restricted) The ICAO Aviation Security Manual (Doc 8973 – Restricted) aims to assist States with the implementation of Annex 17 by providing guidance primarily on how to apply SARPs This document is revised continuously in order to address new threats and technological improvements to prevent acts of

Security - Foundation for Aviation Competence (FFAC)

The Aviation Security Manual (Doc 8973 — Restricted) provides detailed procedures and guidance on aspects of aviation security and is intended to assist States in the implementation of their respective national civil aviation security programmes required by the specifications in the Annexes to the Convention on International Civil Aviation

Reporting of Aviation Security Occurrences and Incidents

It will also be included in the forthcoming 13th edition of the ICAO Aviation Security Manual (Doc 8973 – Restricted) Published by authority of the Secretary General June 2022 International Civil Aviation Organization GUIDANCE MATERIAL FOR REPORTING OF AVIATION SECURITY OCCURRENCES AND INCIDENTS Contents

Searches related to icao annex 17 doc 8973 filetype:pdf

The Aviation Security Manual (Doc 8973 — Restricted) provides detailed procedures and guidance on aspects of aviation security and is intended to assist States in the implementation of their respective national civil aviation security programmes required by the specifications in the Annexes to the Convention on International Civil Aviation

What is annex 17 of the ICAO?

    Annex – 17 is about safeguarding civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference. Doc 8973 is a detailed document which provides guidance material to all the ICAO member states in achieving aviation security standards as described in Annex-17. Which of the 19 ICAO Annexes relate to the airworthiness of aircraft?

What is the meaning of [State] in ICAO Annex 6?

    Except where specifically noted, this part applies to all commercial air transport operations by AOC holders for which [STATE] is the State of the Operator under the definitions provided in ICAO Annex 6 and Part 1 of these regulations. Definitions Definitions are contained in Part 1 of these regulations.

What does ICAO Doc 9713 mean?

    Termine che definisce qualsiasi apparato Aircraft ICAO DOC 9713avionics A term designating any electronic device - including its electrical part - Apparati elettronici di un for use in an aircraft, including radio, automatic flight control and instrument systems

What is airspace ICAO Annex 11?

    It is expressed as the number of aircraft entering a specified portion of airspace in a given period of time, taking due account of weather, ATC unit configuration, staff and equipment available, and any other factors that may affect the workload of the controller responsible for the airspace ICAO Annex 11

The ICAO Aviation Security

ProgrammeThe ICAO Aviation Security


Halina M. Biernacki

Aviation Security Officer, ICAO

Legal InstrumentsLegal Instruments

Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts

Committed on Board Aircraft, Tokyo - 1963Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft, The Hague - 1970Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation, Montréal - 1971Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation, Montréal - 1988Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection, Montréal - 1991

Aviation Security MechanismAviation Security Mechanism

Inception in February 1989140 States requested assistance120 Technical Evaluations and 35 Follow-up missionsTraining activities - Aviation Security Training Packages



and 123/SUPERVISORSExercises - Crisis Exercise Regional Seminars10 Aviation Security Training Centres (ASTCs)



Dakar Quito Amman

ICAO Headquarters




Kiev T&T


Assembly ActionAssembly Action

The Assembly unanimously adopted

Resolution A33-1, Declaration on

misuse of civil aircraft as weapons of destruction and other terrorist acts involving civil aviation


19 - 20 February 2002Montreal,

19 - 20 February 2002

Conference ObjectiveConference Objective

Preventing, combatting and eradicating acts of

terrorism involving civil aviation Strengthening ICAO's role in adoption of security-related Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) and procedures and audit of their implementationEnsuring the necessary financial means for urgent actions by ICAO in the field of aviation security

Conference ActionConference Action

Endorsed a global strategy for strengthening aviation security worldwide to protect lives, restore public confidence in air travel and to promote the financial health of air transport, with a key element an Aviation

Security Plan of Action Adopted conclusions and recommendationsIssued a public declaration reflecting outcome of the Conference and commitment to strengthen aviation security worldwide

AVSEC Plan of ActionAVSEC Plan of Action

Regular, mandatory, systematic and harmonized

universal security audits to evaluate aviation security in

place in all ICAO Contracting StatesReinforcement of Aviation Security Mechanism for urgent assistance and follow-upAssistance to States through Technical Cooperation Programme in addressing shortcomings and deficiencies in a form of a long term project

Why an ICAO Universal Security

Audit Programme (USAP)?Why an ICAO Universal Security

Audit Programme (USAP)?

Technical evaluations conducted under the Aviation Security Mechanism have shown a lack of implementation of ICAO Security Standards and Recommended Practices

(SARPs) in many Contracting StatesIncreased concern over the level of aviation security worldwide, especially after 11 September 2001Need to reduce acts of unlawful interference Restoration of consumer confidence in air transport

The Making of USAP ProgrammeThe Making of USAP ProgrammeAssembly Resolution A33-1 (Oct 2001)

High-level, Ministerial Conference (Feb 2002)

Approval of ICAO USAP by Council

as part of AVSEC Plan of Action (June 2002)

Launching of mandatory security audits:

November 2002

Universal Security Audit

Programme (USAP)Universal Security Audit

Programme (USAP)

Programme Objective:promote global

aviation security through the auditing of

Contracting States on a regular basis to

determine the status of implementation of ICAO security Standards

Audit Structure in ICAOAudit Structure in ICAO

July 2002, establishment of an Aviation Security

Audit (ASA) Unit within the Air Transport Bureau as

an independent entityAviation Security Audit Unit - managing, coordinating and administrative personnel, team leaders and auditors seconded from States ICAO Regional Offices - Aviation Security Regional Officers

Universal Security Audit

Programme (USAP)Universal Security Audit

Programme (USAP)

Experience of Aviation Security MechanismExperience of Universal Safety Oversight

Audit ProgrammeExperience of European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) Aviation Security Audit Programme

Scope of the Universal

Security Audit Programme

(USAP)Scope of the Universal

Security Audit Programme


Annex 17, Standards only

Security measures and

arrangements at the national and the airport level

The new Annex 17The new Annex 17

Adoption of Amendment 10 by the ICAO

Council on 7 December 2001Effective 15 April 2002 (7 th



Applicable on 1 July 2002

Amendment 10 to Annex 17Amendment 10 to Annex 17

New definitionsApplicability of Annex 17 to domestic operationsInternational cooperation and collaboration in

the exchange of threat information Training of staff, selection of personnel, background checks and certification of screenersRequirement to establish a national quality control programmes


Slide 17GG8

A ircraft securit y check and clarification of the definition of securit y restricted areas App licabilit y to domestic o p erations: new 2.1.3

International coo

p eration on threat: 2.3.4 & 2.3.5 T rainin g and certification: 3.4.2, 3.4.3

NCASQCP: 3.4.4Gilbert Guicheney, 28/05/2002

Amendment 10 to Annex 17Amendment 10 to Annex 17

Protection of the cockpitScreening of hold baggage intended to be

carried in an aircraft from 1 January 2006Provisions relating to armed in-flight security personnelAccess control relating to air crew and airport security personnelJoint response to acts of unlawful interference


Slide 18GG9

Protection of the cock

p it: 4.2.3

HBS: 4.4.8Sk

y marshalls: 4.6.5

Crew members identit

y documents: 4.7.4

RP for screenin

g of staff: 4.7.5

Joint res

p onse: 5.2.7

Gilbert Guicheney, 28/05/2002

Security Audit Reference Manual (SARM)Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)Pre-audit QuestionnaireRelevant ICAO documentation (aviation

security legal instruments, ICAO Security

Manual, Assembly Resolutions relating to

aviation security)

Universal Security Audit

Programme (USAP)Universal Security Audit

Programme (USAP)

Universal Security Audit

Programme (USAP)Universal Security Audit

Programme (USAP)

20 States audited in 200340 States planned to be audited in

2004All 188 ICAO Contracting States to be audited by 2008

Expressed urgency to audit a particular State (by the

ICAO Council following an incident)Regional balance, including the percentage of States audited in each ICAO RegionKnown aviation security concerns derived through other ICAO entitiesState requests to be audited

USAP - Selection of States to

be audited USAP - Selection of States to be audited

ICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme

(USOAP)ECAC and other organizations audit scheduleGeographical proximity and transportation Availability of ICAO certified AVSEC team leadersUN security phase status reports National and religious holidays

USAP - Selection of States to

be audited USAP - Selection of States to be audited Two per cent of the State's airports, a minimum of one,

and maximum of three airports Less than 51 airports, one airport included51 to 100 airports, two airports included, with the very largest requiring three airportsConsiderations in selecting airports include: passenger throughput, number of flights, type of operations and other potential concerns

USAP - Number of airports to

be included in auditUSAP - Number of airports to be included in audit

Audit ResultsAudit Results

Universal Security Audit Programme

Audit Reports

Strictly confidential on the part of ICAO

States may share audit reports and

information on a bilateral or multilateral basis

Security Audit follow-upSecurity Audit follow-up

Development of State Corrective Action PlansUrgent and immediate assistance to be provided under the AVSEC Mechanism*Longer-term assistance for the implementation of the States' Corrective Action Plan can be provided through Technical Cooperation Bureau projects, including securing an appropriate funding * * If required ICAO in the Security FieldICAO in the Security Field



















ASROs ASROs reportsextracts

Reinforced AVSEC

MechanismReinforced AVSEC


Specific assistance and training activitiesDevelopment of new training packagesDevelopment of new guidance materialOrganization of AVSEC ExercicesRegional SeminarsPromotion of regional pools of expertsReinforcement of the role of the Aviation Security Training

Centers (ASTCs)

Long term ICAO global

strategy Long term ICAO global strategy Assess new and emerging threats to aviationMonitor and upgrade existing security provisionsExpedite the clearance of passengers while maintaining the highest level of security

Aviation Security Panel

Working Group on ThreatsAviation Security Panel

Working Group on Threats

Studying the specific form of targeting civil

aviation posed by man-portable air defence systems (MANPADS) and small arms fire against aircraft in-flight

Preventive measuresPreventive measures

ICAO Doc 8973, Appendix 16 contains

technical recommendations and procedures to minimize the risk of an aircraft being hit by


Supplementary guidance material available to

ICAO Contracting States via secured


Aviation Security Panel

Working Group on

Amendment 11Aviation Security Panel

Working Group on

Amendment 11

Developing proposals for inclusion in Annex

17 addressing general aviation, access

control, transport of inadmissibles, protection of aircraft, and facilitation aspects.

Aviation Security Panel

Working Group on Audit Aviation Security Panel

Working Group on Audit

Further revision of Annex 17 to adapt this

document to the USAP based upon experience gained while conducting auditsquotesdbs_dbs12.pdfusesText_18
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