[PDF] Chapter 5. Integration §1. The Riemann Integral Let a and b be two

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Math 432 - Real Analysis II

(d) Use (c) to show that if f and g are integrable then max{f

The Riemann Integral

If in addition

Math 3162 Homework Assignment 7 Grad Problem Solutions

20-Mar-2019 (b)Prove that if f is integrable on [a b]

MAT127B HW Solution 02/26 Chutong Wu 7.4.3 Decide which of the

5 Let f and g be integrable functions on [a b]. (a) Show that if P is any partition of [a

Properties of Riemann-integrable functions Underlying properties of

The preceding property asserts that µ is an additive set function: µ([a b]) = µ([a


Then by the Exercise 33.7b above. (f +g)2 and (f −g)2 are integrable

Integrability on R

Properties of Integrable Functions. Theorem 5.7 (Linear Property). If fg are integrable on [a


then f = g almost everywhere and g is Riemann Integrable. = Lebesgue ... If f is Riemann-integrable then f is Lebesgue- integrable and. ∫. [a

Tutorial Sheet: Definite and Improper Integrals 1. Using the definition

(b) If fg are integrable then so is fg and f g.

Math 432 - Real Analysis II

(d) Use (c) to show that if f and g are integrable then max{f

The Riemann Integral

If in addition

Chapter 5. Integration §1. The Riemann Integral Let a and b be two

A bounded function f on [a b] is said to be (Riemann) integrable if L(f) g(x)dx. Theorem 2.2. Let f and g be integrable functions on [a


7(b) Show that if f is integrable on [a b]

Chapter 11: The Riemann Integral

Integrability is a less restrictive condition on a function than example if f

Properties of Riemann-integrable functions Underlying properties of

Function additivity. If fg are Riemann-integrable on [a

MAT127B HW Solution 02/26 Chutong Wu 7.4.3 Decide which of the

5 Let f and g be integrable functions on [a b]. (a) Show that if P is any partition of [a


LEMMA: f is integrable iff for every ? there exists a partition P such that If f g are integrable then also the product fg


D. 7.5. Simple consequences. Theorem 7.10. (a) If f and g are integrable on [a b] then f +g is 

4.4 Integration of measurable functions.

From the definition f is integrable if and only if

72 Riemann Integrable Functions - Texas Tech University

If f;g: [a;b] !R and both f and gare Riemann integrable then fgis Riemann integrable Proof Apply the Composition theorem The function h(x) = x2 is continuous on any nite interval Then h f= h(f) = f2 and h g= h(g) = g2 are Riemann integrable Also (f+g)2 is Riemann integrable (why?) Therefore fg= 1 2 [(f+ g)2 f2 g2] is Riemann integrable

real analysis - About the Riemann integrability of composite functions

INTEGRABLE FUNCTIONS Then g is a monotonic function from [ab] to R?0 Hence by theorem 7 6 g is integrable on [ab] and Z b a g = Ab a(g) Now let {Pn} be a sequence of partitions of [ab] such that {µ(Pn)} ? 0 and let {Sn} be a sequence such that for each n in Z+ S n is a sample for Pn Then {X (gPnSn)} ? Ab a(g) (8 5) If Pn

Products of Riemann Integrable Functions

ProofofCorollary2: The integrability of f and fn both follow directly from Theorem 1 with ?(y) = y and ?(y) = yn respectively If f and g are bounded and integrable then so is f +g Hence by Theorem 1 with ?(y) = y2 we have that f 2 g2 and (f +g) = f2+g 2+2fg are all integrable The integrability of fg = 1 2 (f+g)2?f ?g2 now

Properties of Riemann Integrable Functions - CoAS

(f +g) = ? b a f +? b a g: Proof f +g is integrable on [a; b]; because for any partition P U(f +g;P)?L(f +g;P) ? U(f;P)?L(f;P)+U(g;P)?L(g;P); and the right side can be made arbitrarily small To prove additivity choose P so that U(f;P)? " 2 < ? b a f < L(f;P)+ " 2 and U(g;P)? " 2 < ? b a g < L(g;P)+ " 2: Then ? b a (f +g

Properties of the Riemann Integral

To prove that fg is integrable when f and g are simply note that fg= (1=2) (f +g)2f2g2!: Property (6) and the linearity of the integral then imply fg is integrable (8) If there exists m;M such that 00 such that m jf(x)j M for all x2[a;b] Note that 1 f(x) 1 f(y) = f(y)f(x) f

Searches related to if f and g are integrable then fg is integrable filetype:pdf

Theorem 1 If f and g are integrable on [a;b] then the product fg is integrable on [a;b] Proof First notice that fg = 1 2 (f +g)2 f2 g2: So it is enough to prove that if f is integrable then f2 is integrable If f is integrable then jfj is integrable Also f2 = jfj2 Let M = supjfj over [a;b] Suppose that P is a partition of [a;b] and I

Is the composite function f g integrable?

    For the composite function f ? g, He presented three cases: 1) both f and g are Riemann integrable; 2) f is continuous and g is Riemann integrable; 3) f is Riemann integrable and g is continuous. For case 1 there is a counterexample using Riemann function. For case 2 the proof of the integrability is straight forward.

Is F integrable?

    Since f ? is a probability density function, it is trivially integrable, so by the dominated convergence theorem, ? S g n + d ? ? 0 as n ? ?. But ? R g n d ? = 0 so ? R g n + d ? = ? R g n ? d ?.

What makes a function integrable?

    Assuming we're talking about Riemann integrals, in order for a function to be Riemann integrable, every sequence of Riemann sums must converge to the same limit. If you sometimes get different limits depending on the partitions of the interval you take, then the function is not integrable.

Is F[A;B]!R Riemann integrable?

    A bounded function f: [a;b] !R is Riemann integrable i fis continuous almost everywhere on [a;b]. Theorem 12 (Composition Theorem). Let f : [a;b] !R be Riemann integrable and f([a;b]) [c;d].

Chapter 5. Integration

§1. The Riemann Integral

Letaandbbe two real numbers witha < b. Then [a;b] is a closed and bounded interval in IR. By apartitionPof [a;b] we mean a finite ordered set{t0;t1;:::;tn}such that a=t0< t1<···< tn=b: ThenormofPis defined by∥P∥:= max{ti-ti-1:i= 1;2;:::;n}. Supposefis a bounded real-valued function on [a;b]. Given a partition{t0;t1;:::;tn} of [a;b], for eachi= 1;2;:::;n, let m Theupper sumU(f;P) and thelower sumL(f;P) for the functionfand the partition

Pare defined by

U(f;P) :=n∑

i=1M i(ti-ti-1) andL(f;P) :=n∑ i=1m i(ti-ti-1):

Theupper integralU(f) offover [a;b] is defined by

U(f) := inf{U(f;P) :Pis a partition of [a;b]}

and thelower integralL(f) offover [a;b] is defined by

L(f) := sup{L(f;P) :Pis a partition of [a;b]}:

A bounded functionfon [a;b] is said to be (Riemann)integrableifL(f) =U(f). In this case, we write∫b a f(x)dx=L(f) =U(f):

By convention we define

a b f(x)dx:=-∫ b a f(x)dxand∫ a a f(x)dx:= 0: A constant function on [a;b] is integrable. Indeed, iff(x) =cfor allx∈[a;b], then L(f;P) =c(b-a) andU(f;P) =c(b-a) for any partitionPof [a;b]. It follows that b a cdx=c(b-a): 1 Suppose thatP={t0;t1;:::;tn}is a partition of [a;b], and thatP1is a partition obtained fromPby adding one more pointt∗∈(ti-1;ti) for somei. The lower sums forPandP1 m L(f;P1)-L(f;P) =m′(t∗-ti-1) +m′′(ti-t∗)-mi(ti-ti-1): m m


Now suppose thatPNis a mesh obtained fromPby addingNpoints. An induction argument shows that

Similarly we have

By the definition ofL(f) andU(f), for eachn∈IN there exist partitionsPandQof [a;b] such that Consider the partitionP∪Qof [a;b]. SinceP⊆P∪QandQ⊆P∪Q, by (1) and (2) we get We are in a position to establish the following criterion for a bounded function to be integrable. 2 Theorem 1.1.A bounded functionfon[a;b]is integrable if and only if for each" >0 there exists a partitionPof[a;b]such that

U(f;P)-L(f;P)< ":

Proof.Suppose thatfis integrable on [a;b]. For" >0, there exist partitionsP1andP2 such that

L(f;P1)> L(f)-"

2 andU(f;P2)< U(f) +" 2

ForP:=P1∪P2we have


2 2

SinceL(f) =U(f), it follows thatU(f;P)-L(f;P)< ".

Conversely, suppose that for each" >0 there exists a partitionPof [a;b] such that U(f;P)-L(f;P)< ". ThenU(f;P)< L(f;P) +". It follows that that is,fis integrable. Letfbe a bounded real-valued function on [a;b] and letP={t0;t1;:::;tn}be a partition of [a;b]. For eachi= 1;2;:::;n, choosei∈[xi-1;xi]. The sum n i=1f(i)(ti-ti-1) is called aRiemann sumoffwith respect to the partitionPand points{1;:::;n}. Theorem 1.2.Letfbe a bounded real-valued function on[a;b]. Thenfis integrable on [a;b]if and only if there exists a real numberIwith the following property: For any" >0 there exists some >0such that n wheneverP={t0;t1;:::;tn}is a partition of[a;b]with∥P∥< andi∈[ti-1;ti]for i= 1;2;:::;n. If this is the case, then b a f(x)dx=I: 3 Proof.Let"be an arbitrary positive number. Suppose that (3) is true for some partition P={t0;t1;:::;tn}of [a;b] and pointsi∈[ti-1;ti],i= 1;2;:::;n. Then

L(f;P) = inf{

n∑ i=1f(i)(ti-ti-1) :i∈[xi-1;xi] fori= 1;2;:::;n} ≥I-" and

U(f;P) = sup{

n∑ i=1f(i)(ti-ti-1) :i∈[xi-1;xi] fori= 1;2;:::;n} on [a;b]. Moreover,L(f) =U(f) =I. Conversely, suppose thatfis integrable on [a;b]. LetM:= sup{|f(x)|:x∈[a;b]} andI:=L(f) =U(f). Given an arbitrary" >0, there exists a partitionQof [a;b] such thatL(f;Q)> I-"=2 andU(f;Q)< I+"=2. Suppose thatQhasNpoints. Let P={t0;t1;:::;tn}be a partition of [a;b] with∥P∥< . Consider the partitionP∪Qof [a;b]. By (1) and (2) we have :="=(4MN). Since∥P∥< , we deduce from the foregoing inequalities that Thus, withi∈[ti-1;ti] fori= 1;2;:::;nwe obtain

This completes the proof.

Theorem 1.3.Letfbe a bounded function from a bounded closed interval[a;b]toIR. If the set of discontinuities offis finite, thenfis integrable on[a;b]. Proof.LetDbe the set of discontinuities off. By our assumption,Dis finite. So the setD∪ {a;b}can be expressed as{d0;d1;:::;dN}witha=d0< d1<···< dN=b. Let M:= sup{|f(x)|:x∈[a;b]}. For an arbitrary positive number", we choose >0 such 4 that < "=(8MN) and <(dj-dj-1)=3 for allj= 1;:::;N. Forj= 0;1;:::;N, let x j:=dj-andyj:=dj+. Then we have a=d0< y0< x1< d1< y1<···< xN< dN=b: LetEbe the union of the intervals [d0;y0], [x1;d1];[d1;y1];:::;[xN-1;dN-1];[dN-1;yN-1], and [xN;dN]. There are 2Nintervals in total. Forj= 1;:::;N, letFj:= [yj-1;xj]. Further, letF:=∪Nj=1Fj. The functionfis continuous onF, which is a finite union of bounded closed intervals. Hencefis uniformly continuous onF. There exists some >0 such that|f(x)-f(y)|< "=(2(b-a)) wheneverx;y∈Fsatisfying|x-y|< . For each j∈ {1;:::;N}, letPjbe a partition ofFjsuch that∥Pj∥< . Let

P:={a;b} ∪D∪(∪Nj=1Pj):

The setPcan be arranged as{t0;t1;:::;tn}witha=t0< t1<···< tn=b. Consider

U(f;P)-L(f;P) =n∑

i=1(Mi-mi)(ti-ti-1); [ti-1;ti] is either contained inEor inF, but not in both. Hence n i=1(Mi-mi)(ti-ti-1) =∑ [ti1;ti]⊆E(Mi-mi)(ti-ti-1) +∑ [ti1;ti]⊆F(Mi-mi)(ti-ti-1): There are 2Nintervals [ti-1;ti] contained inE. Each interval has length < "=(8MN). 2 If [ti-1;ti]⊆F, thenti-ti-1< ; henceMi-mi< "=(2(b-a)). Therefore,



2(b-a)(b-a) ="

2 From the above estimates we conclude thatU(f;P)-L(f;P)< ". By Theorem 1.1, the functionfis integrable on [a;b]. Example 1.Let [a;b] be a closed interval witha < b, and letfbe the function on [a;b] given byf(x) =x. By Theorem 1.3,fis integrable on [a;b]. LetP={t0;t1;:::;tn}be a partition of [a;b] and choosei:= (ti-1+ti)=2∈[ti-1;ti] fori= 1;2;:::;n. Then n i=1f(i)(ti-ti-1) =1 2 n i=1(ti+ti-1)(ti-ti-1) =1 2 n i=1(t2i-t2i-1) =1 2 (t2n-t20) =1 2 (b2-a2): 5

By Theorem 1.2 we have∫b

a xdx=1 2 (b2-a2): More generally, for a positive integerk, letfkbe the function given byfk(x) =xkfor x∈[a;b]. Choose i:=(tki-1+tk-1 i-1ti+···+tki k+ 1) 1=k ; i= 1;2;:::;n: n i=1f k(i)(ti-ti-1) =1 k+ 1n i=1(tk+1 i-tk+1 i-1) =1 k+ 1(tk+1n-tk+10) =1 k+ 1(bk+1-ak+1):

By Theorem 1.2 we conclude that

b a xkdx=1 k+ 1(bk+1-ak+1): andg(0) := 0. The only discontinuity point ofgis 0. By Theorem 1.3,gis integrable on [0;1]. Note thatgis not uniformly continuous on (0;1). Indeed, letxn:= 1=(2n) and y n:= 1=(2n+=2) forn∈IN. Then limn→∞(xn-yn) = 0. But |f(xn)-f(yn)|=|cos(2n)-cos(2n+=2)|= 1∀n∈IN: Hencegis not uniformly continuous on (0;1). On the other hand, the functionugiven continuous on (0;1]. Theorem 1.3 is not applicable tou, becauseuis unbounded. Example 3.Lethbe the function on [0;1] defined byh(x) := 1 ifxis a rational number in [0;1] andh(x) := 0 ifxis an irrational number in [0;1]. LetP={t0;t1;:::;tn}be a partition of [0;1]. Fori= 1;:::;nwe have m i:= inf{h(x) :x∈[ti-1;ti]}= 0 andMi:= sup{h(x) :x∈[ti-1;ti]}= 1: HenceL(h;P) = 0 andU(h;P) = 1 for every partitionPof [0;1]. Consequently,L(h) = 0 andU(h) = 1. This shows thathis not Riemann integrable on [0;1]. 6

§2. Properties of the Riemann Integral

In this section we establish some basic properties of the Riemann integral. Theorem 2.1.Letfandgbe integrable functions from a bounded closed interval[a;b] toIR. Then (1)For any real numberc,cfis integrable on[a;b]and∫b a(cf)(x)dx=c∫b af(x)dx; (2)f+gis integrable on[a;b]and∫b a(f+g)(x)dx=∫b af(x)dx+∫b ag(x)dx. Proof.Suppose thatfandgare integrable functions on [a;b]. WriteI(f) :=∫b af(x)dx andI(g) :=∫b ag(x)dx. Let"be an arbitrary positive number. By Theorem 1.2, there exists some >0 such that n wheneverP={t0;t1;:::;tn}is a partition of [a;b] with∥P∥< andi∈[ti-1;ti] for i= 1;2;:::;n. It follows that n i=1(cf)(i)(ti-ti-1)-cI(f)=|c|n

Hencecfis integrable on [a;b] and∫b

a(cf)(x)dx=c∫b af(x)dx. Moreover, n i=1(f+g)(i)(ti-ti-1)-[I(f) +I(g)] n i=1f(i)(ti-ti-1)-I(f)+n

Thereforef+gis integrable on [a;b] and∫b

a(f+g)(x)dx=∫b af(x)dx+∫b ag(x)dx. Theorem 2.2.Letfandgbe integrable functions on[a;b]. Thenfgis an integrable function on[a;b]. Proof.Let us first show thatf2is integrable on [a;b]. Sincefis bounded, there exists for any partitionPof [a;b]. Let" >0. Sincefis integrable on [a;b], by Theorem 1.1 7 there exists a partitionPof [a;b] such thatU(f;P)-L(f;P)< "=(2M). Consequently, U(f2;P)-L(f2;P)< ". By Theorem 1.1 again we conclude thatf2is integrable on [a;b]. Note thatfg= [(f+g)2-(f-g)2]=4. By Theorem 2.1,f+gandf-gare integrable on [a;b]. By what has been proved, both (f+g)2and (f-g)2are integrable on [a;b]. Using Theorem 2.1 again, we conclude thatfgis integrable on [a;b]. functionfis integrable on[a;b], thenf|[c;d]is integrable on[c;d]. Proof.Suppose thatfis integrable on [a;b]. Let"be an arbitrary positive number. By Theorem 1.1, there exists a partitionPof [a;b] such thatU(f;P)-L(f;P)< ". It follows thatU(f;P∪ {c;d})-L(f;P∪ {c;d})< ". LetQ:= (P∪ {c;d})∩[c;d]. ThenQis a partition of [c;d]. We have

Hencef|[c;d]is integrable on [c;d].

Theorem 2.4.Letfbe a bounded real-valued function on[a;b]. Ifa < c < b, and iffis integrable on[a;c]and[c;b], thenfis integrable on[a;b]and b a f(x)dx=∫ c a f(x)dx+∫ b c f(x)dx: Proof.Suppose thatfis integrable on [a;c] and [c;b]. We writeI1:=∫c af(x)dxand I


cf(x)dx. Let" >0. By Theorem 1.1, there exist a partitionP1={s0;s1;:::;sm} of [a;c] and a partitionP2={t0;t1;:::;tn}of [c;b] such that


2 andU(f;P2)-L(f;P2)<" 2 LetP:=P1∪P2={s0;:::;sm-1;t0;:::;tn}. ThenPis a partition of [a;b]. We have L(f)≥L(f;P) =L(f;P1) +L(f;P2)> U(f;P1) +U(f;P2)-"≥I1+I2-" and

It follows that

c a f(x)dx+∫ b c c a f(x)dx+∫ b c f(x)dx+": 8 Since the above inequalities are valid for all" >0, we conclude thatfis integrable on [a;b] and∫b af(x)dx=∫c af(x)dx+∫b cf(x)dx. Leta;b;cbe real numbers in any order, and letJbe a bounded closed interval con- taininga,b, andc. Iffis integrable onJ, then by Theorems 2.3 and 2.4 we have∫b a f(x)dx=∫ c a f(x)dx+∫ b c f(x)dx: then∫b ag(x)dx. Proof.By Theorem 2.1,h:=g-fis integrable on [a;b]. Sinceh(x)≥0 for allx∈[a;b], it is clear thatL(h;P)≥0 for any partitionPof [a;b]. Hence,∫b ah(x)dx=L(h)≥0.

Applying Theorem 2.1 again, we see that∫b

a g(x)dx-∫ b a f(x)dx=∫ b a h(x)dx≥0: Theorem 2.6.Iffis an integrable function on[a;b], then|f|is integrable on[a;b]and∫ b a b a |f(x)|dx: Proof.LetP={t0;t1;:::;tn}be a partition of [a;b]. For eachi∈ {1;:::;n}, letMiand m idenote the supremum and infimun respectively offon [ti-1;ti], and letM∗iandm∗i denote the supremum and infimun respectively of|f|on [ti-1;ti]. Then M i-mi= sup{f(x)-f(y) :x;y∈[ti-1;ti]} and M ∗i-m∗i= sup{|f(x)| - |f(y)|:x;y∈[ti-1;ti]}:

By the triangle inequality,

and n∑ i=1(Mi-mi)(ti-ti-1): number. By our assumption,fis integrable on [a;b]. By Theorem 1.1, there exists a partitionPsuch thatU(f;P)-L(f;P)< ". HenceU(|f|;P)-L(|f|;P)< ". By using Theorem 1.1 again we conclude that|f|is integrable on [a;b]. Furthermore, since a b a |f(x)|dxand-∫ b a b a |f(x)|dx:


∫b a|f(x)|dx. 9

§3. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

In this section we give two versions of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and their applications. Letfbe a real-valued function on an intervalI. A functionFonIis called an antiderivativeoffonIifF′(x) =f(x) for allx∈I. IfFis an antiderivative off, then so isF+Cfor any constantC. Conversely, ifFandGare antiderivatives offonI, then G ′(x)-F′(x) = 0 for allx∈I. Thus, there exists a constantCsuch thatG(x)-F(x) =C for allx∈I. Consequently,G=F+C. The following is the first version of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Theorem 3.1.Letfbe an integrable function on[a;b]. IfFis a continuous function on [a;b]and ifFis an antiderivative offon(a;b), then b a f(x)dx=F(x)b a :=F(b)-F(a): Proof.Let" >0. By Theorem 1.1, there exists a partitionP={t0;t1;:::;tn}of [a;b] such thatU(f;P)-L(f;P)< ". Sincet0=aandtn=bwe have

F(b)-F(a) =n∑

i=1[F(ti)-F(ti-1)]: By the Mean Value Theorem, for eachi∈ {1;:::;n}there existsxi∈(ti-1;ti) such that F(ti)-F(ti-1) =F′(xi)(ti-ti-1) =f(xi)(ti-ti-1):


On the other hand,

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