[PDF] Invité par le cardinal Angelo Scola à participer à son initiative - France

Catholiques dItalie

Ou alors l'apparente vitalité de son catholicisme L'Italie compte 222 diocèses (93 en France métropolitaine)

Le dialogue interreligieux comme dimension intrinseque de la foi

9 oct. 2021 Angelo Scola la Fondation Oasis et l'Islam ... Il est précisé que son stockage ... aussi de l'initiative du cardinal Scola.

Promouvoir Communion et Libération en France ?

Ce qui l'est moins serait que son demandant de remplacer le cardinal TETTAMANZI par le cardinal Angelo SCOLA. ... dans son livre « Sa Sainteté ».

rapport 2019

1 janv. 2011 modèle éducatif que cette excellence repose aussi sur le fait que la France a su attirer dans son réseau d'enseignement à.

Eglise Catholique

Siège et du cardinal Christoph Schönborn la préparation du Youcat a associé de nombreux jeunes catholiques. Benoît XVI a particulièrement pris à cœur le 


velles” sa lumière devient visible et son invitation peut être entendue. alors le Cardinal-Préfet de la Congrégation pour la Doctrine de la Foi

Une approche comparée des langages et des pratiques de la

dans la tourmente révolutionnaire en France les Sœurs de la charité de Fisichella

Les Chinois catholiques de Paris et de Milan

Son successeur le cardinal Angelo. Scola

du ministère des affaires étrangères

30 juin 2007 son suffrage conformément aux dispositions de l'article 7 ci-dessus ... des visas aux enfants ukrainiens invités en France pendant leurs.


INITIATIVES. Primaire le respect du temps et l'attention qu'exige son développement. ... invité les directeurs diocésains à « réfléchir à leur mission.

  • on Pope Francis’ Election

    As cardinal, he participated in the conclaves of 2005 and 2013 and, in this interview, revealed these two experiences “had a mystical dimension for me.” He said he felt the Holy Spirit at work. “In the first conclave, the figure of Ratzinger stood out in a very clear way, due to the great friendship and collaboration he had with John Paul II,” Card...

  • on Working with Then-Cardinal Bergoglio Before His Election as Pope

    Cardinal Scola said that at the time of the conclave, he “did not really know Bergoglio.” He recalled having met the future Pope Francis two or three times when, as rector of the Lateran University, he gave talks at the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina in Buenos Aires. Cardinals Scola and Bergoglio had also worked together as members of ...

  • Pope Francis’ Leadership Style: ‘A Healthy Punch in The Stomach’

    Cardinal Scola remarks in his book that “the appearance of Francis as pope has been a healthy punch in the stomach that the Holy Spirit has used to wake us up.” When I asked to explain this comment, he said that he viewed Francis’ election from the perspective of “our churches in Europe that are tired. His personality, his formation, his experience...

  • on People Within The Church Who ‘Attack’ Pope Francis

    He noted, however, that some in the church have reacted negatively to Francis’ leadership, with what he described as “harsh and insolent attacks against the pope.” “This is wrong,” Cardinal Scola said. “As a child, I was taught the expression, ‘The pope is the pope,’ and that one cannot question this.... I cannot accept an attitude that I judge as ...

  • on How Pope Francis Is Similar to (and Different From) Previous Popes

    He attributed the origin of these attacks to “the lack of understanding of the great majority of Christians of the necessary link between experience and doctrine.” “Francis is a pope who starts from experience; he starts first of all from his own personal experience and has no shame in communicating it,” Cardinal Scola explained. “And from there he...

  • on Pope Francis’ Synodal Vision

    In his book, the scholarly Cardinal Scola comes across as a truly authentic, passionate man who enjoyed carrying out the pastoral duties of a bishop. In Betting on Freedom, he recalls that when John Paul II called him to the episcopate at the age of 49, “I perceived that that was the road that the Lord indicated for me, namely, to accompany the lif...

  • Rising Divisions Within The Church

    “Some people foresee dark scenarios for a church that is allegedly threatened by schism,” he writes. However, he says, “I do not see the risk of schism,” and is instead concerned with “polemics and divisions—which grow ever sharper, even at the expense of truth and charity.” “I fear we are moving backward, specifically to the epoch of the debates b...

  • on Why Young People Are Leaving The Church

    Cardinal Scola, in a stimulating and profound introduction for his book’s American edition, speaks of the decline of Christianity and Catholicism in Europe and the growth of the “nones”—a term used to describe demographic groups, especially young adults, who do not identify with any religious tradition. In the interview, Cardinal Scola said that he...

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[PDF] Invités

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