[PDF] interactive teaching techniques

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Interactive Techniques (Kevin Yee)

Students are revived from their passivity of merely listening to a lecture and instead become attentive and engaged two prerequisites for effective learning.

Interactive teaching as an effective method of pedagogical interaction

The ways of using interactive teaching methods in the process of professional training of students are studied. Attention is focused on such methods of teaching 


Interactive Techniques. Adapted in part from: Angelo Thomas/K. Patricia Cross


Revealing the concept of interactive teaching methods can say that they are understood as teaching methods in which students interact widely with teachers and 

Interactive Teaching Strategies for Agent Training

This paper studies interactive teaching strategies for identifying when a student can benefit from teacher-advice in a reinforcement learning framework. In 

Interactive Teaching Methodologies

The most effective are interactive Learner-centered teaching techniques rather than the lecture method. 1.1. Reasons for using interactive teaching methods.


Innovative and interactive teaching methods can be defined as strategies of learning used to improve students` learning and skills through different ways of 

Implementation of Interactive Teaching Techniques in School Practice

The research also highlights the frequency of teacher-student communication. Keywords: interactive technique; school practice; teaching students; critical 

Types of Interactive Methods in Teaching English to Students of

Keywords—interactive teaching methods; role play; brainstorming; case study; discussion; developing professional skills. I. INTRODUCTION. The social and 

Interactive Teaching Techniques for Communicative Language

However with greater inclusion of interactive techniques and awareness among the teachers of learning strategies

Interactive Techniques (Kevin Yee) - University of South Florida

Interactive Techniques These techniques have multiple benefits: the instructor can easily and quickly assess if students have really mastered the material (and plan to dedicate more time to it if necessary) and the process of measuring student understanding in many cases is also practice for the material—often students do not actually learn

Interactive Techniques (Kevin Yee)

Interactive Techniques Adapted in part from: Angelo Thomas/K Patricia Cross Classroom Assessment Techniques 2nd Edition Jossey-Bass: San Francisco 1993 Morrison-Shetlar Alison/Mary Marwitz Teaching Creatively: Ideas in Action Outernet: Eden Prairie 2001 McGlynn Angela Successful Beginnings for College Teaching Atwood: Madison 2001

Interactive Techniques - Center for Teaching and Learning

Interactive Techniques Interactive Techniques Adapted in part from: Thomas A Angelo/K Patricia Cross Classroom Assessment Techniques 2nd Edition Jossey-Bass: San Francisco 1993 Alison Morrison-Shetlar/Mary Marwitz Teaching Creatively: Ideas in Action Outernet: Eden Prairie 2001 Silberman Mel

101 Interactive Techniques - The Citadel

Interactive Techniques These techniques have multiple benefits: the instructor can easily and quickly assess if students have really mastered the material (and plan to dedicate more time to it if necessary) and the process of measuring student understanding in many cases is also practice for the material—often students do not actually learn

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EXAMPLES OF INTERACTIVE TEACHING TECHNIQUES • Think-Pair-Share • Buzz group • Case Study • Asking questions • Note review • Role-playing • Short writing exercises • Demonstration • Discussion • Brainstorming • Debate (between students) • Debate (between students and Teacher) • Simulation 6

Are teaching techniques more effective than lectures?

    These techniques are often perceived as “fun”, yet they are frequently more effective than lectures at enabling student learning. Not all techniques listed here will have universal appeal, with factors such as your teaching style and personality influencing which choices may be right for you.

What is the instructor's action in a lecture?

    Instructor Action: Lecture 1. Picture Prompt – Show students an image with no explanation, and ask them to identify/explain it, and justify their answers. Or ask students to write about it using terms from lecture, or to name the processes and concepts shown.

How do you use index cards in the classroom?

    Student Questions (Index Cards) – At the start of the semester, pass out index cards and ask each student to write a question about the class and your expectations. The cards rotate through the room, with each student adding a check-mark if they agree this question is important for them. The teacher learns what the class is most anxious about. 262.

How to contact Kevin Yee of interactive techniques?

    Interactive Techniques (Kevin Yee) 1 | Kevin Yee | drkevinyee@gmail.com | Last updated 8/3/2020 Creative Commons BY-NC-SA – OK to use and remix if non-commercial, must credit me and use same CC license. (No need to email for permission as long as this footer is included in your copy). Interactive Techniques
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