[PDF] True/False Review Questions Every Java program requires at

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CIS 120 Final Exam December 17 2021 Name (printed): Pennkey CIS 120 Final Exam December 17 2021 Name (printed): Pennkey

17 Dec 2021 true or false. a. True D. False D. In OCaml ... The following true/false questions concern this application and Java Swing programming in general.

I. True/False Questions (If the answer is correct please mark O

questions independently). 4. The PHP Java and Java Script are three kinds of techniques for implement in web programming. Please explain the different and ...

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The Android library code is organized in such a way that it can be used by multiple. Android applications. a. True b. False. Answer: a. Page 3. Q6- 

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For the true or false questions no explanation is needed; if you add one (3 points) True or false: Ruby's == method is equivalent Java's == method.

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OOP Questions. 1. 1/20/06. OOP: True or False. Every object in Java Java provides a parameterless constructor for each class. Objects cannot be created ...

Module 3: Assignments Quizzes and the Gradebook in Moodle

Note: For this to work your computer needs to be up to date with Java and one of the latest w3c compliant web browsers. True/False questions are used to test ...

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o) Java takes care of memory leaks for you. When allocating memory on the heap (with new in Java) it automatically (garbage collector) frees the memory once it 

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[[ The invocation of a.birth() in the main method of the Zoo class demonstrates polymorphism because a single instruction causes Java to.

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CIS 120 Final Exam December 17 2021 SOLUTIONS

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[PDF] True/False Review Questions

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Free Online Interactive Quizzes on java programming arrays classes java methods java script trivia activities and games on java programming

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Building Java Programs false A logical test is actually a boolean expression call a method that returns a boolean and use it as a test

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boolean: A logical type whose values are true and false A logical test is actually a boolean expression Like other types it is legal to:

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Exam 1 Java True/False Flashcards Quizlet

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Variable name identifiers must begin with a lowercase letter Real is a java primitive 

  • How to ask for true or false in Java?

    In Java, there is a variable type for Boolean values: boolean user = true; So instead of typing int or double or string, you just type boolean (with a lower case "b"). After the name of you variable, you can assign a value of either true or false.
  • Is Java is a programming language True or false?

    Java is a high-level, class-based, object-oriented programming language that is designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible.
  • Is constructor overloading not possible in Java True or false?

    Yes Java supports constructor overloading.
  • Which statement is true about Java? Explanation: Java is called 'Platform Independent Language' as it primarily works on the principle of 'compile once, run everywhere'.


Chapter11?Inob ject?orientedprogramming?aclassisadatatyp eandanobjectisan instance of suchatyp e?2?Ob ject?oriented programming is asso ciated with a design technique knownastop?down?functionaldecomposition?3?UML is a mo deling language asso ciated with ob ject?oriented as opp osedto pro cedural programming?4?Abstract data typ es cannot b e implemented in pro cedural languages suchas C and Pascal?5?Ob ject?orientedlanguagesdirectlysupp ortabstractdatatyp esthroughinformation hiding?6?Encapsulationmeans the same thing asinformationhiding?7?Metho ds are typically used to construct ob jects of a particular class typ e?whereas constructors aretypically used tode?ne op erations appropriateto a particular class typ e?8?A class encapsulates only public memb ers such as high?level metho ds andconstructors but not private memb ers such as implementation ?elds?9?Anob jectobj1sendsamessagetoanob jectobj2byinvokinganobj2metho d?10?Underinheritance?asup erclassinheritsallofthemembersinallofitssub classes?11?The terminterfaceis a synonym forhiddenimplementation?12?UML mo dels replace programs written in languages suchas Java?1

2True?False Review QuestionsChapter21?AJava source ?le contains Java co de as text and mayhave eitherjavaorclassas its extension?2?If a Java source ?le is compiled successfully? the compilation pro duces oneor more ?les with ajavaextension?3?Every Java program requires at least one class?4?Aprogrammer?de?nedclasscanhaveanynameexceptaJavakeywordas long as the name is a valid Java identi?er?5?A class?s name must b egin with an upp ercase letter?6?In a class declaration? the op ening left brace?and the closing right brace?must o ccur alone on a line?7?A class de?nition must b egin on the ?rst line of a source ?le and not evena commentisallowed to o ccur ab ove a class de?nition?8?Althoughmetho dsand?eldscanbestatic?constructorscannotbestatic?9?In Java? the identi?ersmain?Main? andmAinare all distinct?10?If aprogrammeruses animportstatement?theprogrammer isrequiredto use the fully quali?ed name for all classes in the imp orted package?11?Under the Java naming convention for input and output streams?readersandwritersare character?basedstreams?12?If aprogramgeneratesanexception?theprogramis required toprovideanexceptionhand lerso that the program compiles?

True?False Review Questions3Chapter31?The Java Virtual Machine ?JVM? is used to compile as opp osed to executeJava programs?2?AJavabeanrequires a host program in order to execute?3?AJavaapplicationrequires a host program in order to execute?4?Thetyp esapplication?applet?servlet?andbeanpartition Javaprogramsin that every Java program b elongs to exactly one and only one of thesetyp es?5?Javabytecodesare compiled instructions that execute directly on the hostsystem?6?Every Java program requires at least oneimportstatement? in particulara statementtoimportall of the classes in thejava?langpackage?7?Theimportstatementimportjava?????do esnotcausecompile?timeerrorsifplacedattheverytopofasource?le?8?Every source ?le must b e named after the ?rst class declared in the ?le?9?Everyclass?le b elongs to a package?10?Apackagestatement can o ccur either b efore or afterimportstatements?11?Java has standard packages but do es not allow programmer?de?ned pack?ages?12?Everyconstructormusthavevoidinplaceofareturntyp eb ecauseaconstructor cannot return a value?

4True?False Review QuestionsChapter41?AvalidJavaidenti?ersuchasthenameofaclassmustb eginwithanalphab etic character?2?Lo calvariables?likeclass?elds?havedefaultvaluessuchaszeroforintegers andfloating?p ointnumb ers?3?Iftheprogrammerfailstodeclarealo calvariable?sdatatyp e?thetyp edefaults toint?4?A classCcould haveamemb er namedc?5?The expression0x99is a hexadecimal constant?6?Although dividing an integer by zero is an error? dividing a ?oating?p ointnumber by zero is not an error?7?The co de segmentintx?8?System?out?println?x????prints 8 to the standard output?8?An double?quoted expression suchas?foo?is aStringreference?9?Abooleanvaluesuchastruemaybeassignedwithanexplicit casttoanintvariable b ecause such a cast convertstrueto 1 andfalseto 0?10?Theop erator?isusedforassignmentandinitializationbutnottotestfor equality?11?The equality op erator??cannotbeapplied to?oating?p ointtyp essuchasdoubles?12?When an integer arrayis constructedwith thenewop erator?the array?scells are initialized to zero regardless of whether the array is a ?eld?13?Atryblo ck can o ccur without an accompanyingcatchclause orfinallyclause?14?A programthat throws an uncaught exception generatesa compile?timerather than a run?time error?

True?False Review Questions5Chapter51?A programmer?de?ned class can have only package scop e?2?Class memb ers can have protected scop e but the class that encapsulatessuch memb ers cannot haveprotected scop e?3?A standard class with package scop e is visible only to classes in the samepackage?4?Protected scop e is broader than packagescop e?5?If classChas packagescop e? thenC?s public and packagememb ers e?ec?tively have the same visibility?6?Any class memb er except a constructor can b estatic?7?If classCdo es not de?ne any constructors? thenChas a publicly accessibleno?argument constructor?8?Anonstaticmetho dcannotaccessastaticmemberinthemetho d?sencapsulating class?9?Astaticmetho dcannotaccessanonstaticmemberinthemetho d?sencapsulating class?10?A constructor cannot have private scop e?11?Thedefaultscop eforaconstructorispublic? whereasthedefault scop efor any other member is package?12?A class cannot overloadits constructors?

6True?False Review QuestionsChapter61?Java supp orts multiple inheritance for classes but only single inheritancefor interfaces?2?Javasupp ortsmultipleinheritanceforstandardclassesbutonlysingleinheritance forprogrammer?de?nedclasses?3?A programmer?de?ned class has no sup erclass unless the class is de?nedexplicitly to extend a sup erclass?4?In class inheritance? a sub class inherits only the nonprivatememb ers ofthe sup erclass?5?An interface can extend or implement another interface?6?The classjava?lang?Objectis the only class? standard or programmer?de?ned? that has no sup erclass?7?If a class is de?ned asfinal? the class cannot b e extended?8?Ifasub classSuboverridesmetho dminheritedfromsup erclassSuper?thenmmust have the same signature inSubandSuper?9?An abstract class can b e implemented but not extended?10?An interface must b e declared explicitly asabstract?11?If classCimplements interfaceIFacebut fails to de?ne all of the metho dsdeclared inIFace? thenCis abstract?12?Neither an abstract class nor an interface can b e instantiated as an ob ject?

True?False Review Questions7Chapter71?Classes for AWT and the Swing set graphics reside in di?erentpackages?2?Every Swing set comp onent is lightweight?3?In the Swing set?s implementation of the mo del?view?controller architec?ture? the mo del and the controller are integrated as the UI delegate?4?In the Swing sethierarchy?classes descended fromJComponentare usedto constructlightweightcomp onents?5?Java?s basic event mo del requires that an eventlistener b e the containerin whichan eventsourcesuch as a button is emb edded?6?If classCimplements theWindowListenerinterface?thenCmust de?neall of the metho d declared in this interface in order to b e concrete?7?Framed windows suchasFramesandJFrames are constructed by defaultas visible?8?A menu can contain nested submenus to an arbitrary level?9?Agraphicscontextis the same as alayoutmanager?10?Anoverrideofthepaintmetho dcaninvokethesup erclassversioninorder to clear the drawing area?11?Metho drepaintexp ectsasingleGraphicsargument?whereasmetho dpaintexp ects no arguments?12?Evenrelativelysimple Swingsetcomp onentssuchasJButtonsgivetheprogrammer access to the comp onent?s underlying mo del?

8True?False Review QuestionsChapter81?Every interface must declare at least one metho d?2?TheSerializableinterfacedeclarestwometho ds?writeObjectandreadObject?3?Object cloningis an alternativetermforobject construction?4?To clone an ob ject is to copy a reference to the ob ject?5?Primitivetyp essuchasintsanddoublescannotbeserializedbutcanb e written to the same binary stream as a serializable ob ject?6?Deserialization restorestransient?elds to their default values?7?Ifanob ject?sclassdo esnotimplementSerializablebuttheob ject?ssup erclass do es implement this interface? then the ob ject is serializable?8?A program executes a constructedThreadbyinvoking theThread?s metho drun?9?TheRunnableinterface is empty?10?If threadT1

runs atpriority1and threadT2 runs atpriority2?thenT2is guaranteedto execute exactly twice as many times asT1

?11?In the co de segmentThreadt?newThread?obj??objmustrefertoaRunnabletarget?thatis?anob jectwhoseclassim?plements theRunnableinterface?12?A program continues to run as long as at least one daemon thread is alive?13?Java?ssynchronizedconstructensuresprogressandmutualexclusionbut not fairness?14?Thesynchronizedconstructmakesitimp ossibleforamultithreadedprogram to deadlo ck?

True?False Review Questions9Chapter91?TheDatagramSocketclass is asso ciated with the UDP transp ort proto col?whereastheServerSocketandSocketclassesareasso ciatedwiththeTCP transp ort proto col?2?AServerSockethas an asso ciated input and output stream for commu?nications with clients?3?Invokingtheacceptmetho donaServerSocketcausesablo ckuntilaclient connects?4?Serialization overasocket can b e enabled by constructing and anObject?OutputStreamandanObjectInputStreamfromtheoutputandinputstreams asso ciated with a clientsocket?5?An applet op erating undersandboxsecuritycannot read from a lo cal ?le?6?An applet op erating undersandboxsecuritycannotop en anetworkcon?nection to an arbitrary host?7?Applets op erating in the same context can communicate with one another?8?An RMIclient receivesareferencetoan RMI serverrather than acopyof an RMI server?9?An RMI clientmayinvokeanypublicmetho d de?ned in an RMI server?10?Under RMI? astubis a proxy for the server and askeletonis a proxy fora client?11?RMI activation is a typ e ofException?12?CORBA supp ortslocationtransparency?whereas RMI do es not?

10True?False Review QuestionsChapter101?Because the standardComponentclass implementsSerializable?everyinstance of a class in theComponenthierarchyistechnically abean?2?Under the event?delegation mo del? one ob ject can b e a listener for prop?ertychange eventsin another ob ject?3?Thebytecodeveri?eris a compile?time rather than a run?time utility?4?Theaccesscontrol lerimplements security measures through a systemofp ermissions and privileges?5?Because a message digest is a secure one?way function? the original mes?sage from which the digest is generated cannot b e reconstructed from thedigest itself even if the underlying algorithm is known?6?A digital signature is an encrypted messagedigest?7?In an authentication system based on digital signatures and usingprivatekey?publickeytechnology?thesender signs amessageusing the sender?spublic key and a receiver veri?es the signature using the sender?s privatekey?8?Everyob jectObjencapsulatesthegetClassmetho d?whichreturnsareference to an ob ject that represents the class thatObjinstantiates?9?In thejava?lang?reflectpackage? instances of the classMethodrepre?sent b oth metho ds and constructors?10?Javare?ectiontechnologycanbeusedtoobtainrun?timeinformationab out metho dde?nitionsand not simply ab out metho ddeclarations?11?A servlet? like an applet? typically executes on a clientmachine?12?JDBC technology must b e used in conjunction with servlets?

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