[PDF] let l(d is a dfa that accepts sr whenever it accepts s show that l is turing decidable)

CS5371 Theory of Computation

Ans. If a language L is decidable there exists a decider D that decides L. Then

Practice Problems for Final Exam: Solutions CS 341: Foundations of

If we run TM D on input ?D? then D accepts ?D? if and only if D doesn't If a language L is of Type DEC

Homework 9 Solutions

each terminal l ? ? the CFG G0 has a rule S ? lS in R. Also

CSCI 2670

4.4.1 Consider the following Turing machine Create a DFA B such that L(B) = ?* ... Furthermore M will accept those DFA's whose language is.

Homework 8 Solutions

If H rejects accept.” 2. Page 3. 4. Consider the emptiness problem for Turing machines: ETM = { ?M?

Sample Decidable/Undecidable proofs

Accept if T accepts reject if T rejects.” Proof #2: The following TM decides ALLDFA: S = “On input ?A?

introduction to the theory of computation second edition

Show that if M is a DFA that recognizes language B

CSE 6321 - Solutions to Problem Set 2

Prove that C is Turing-recognizable iff a decidable language D exists such Let T = {?M?

M is a Turing machine

then L(M2) is the non-context-.

Computer Science 313

Let L be the language such that every pair of adjacent 0's appear before A Turing machine M accepts an input w ? ?? if there is a sequence of states.

[PDF] Solution - CS5371 Theory of Computation

An example of a DFA in S: A DFA that accepts all strings (b) Ans To show S is decidable we construct a decider D for S as follows (Let C be a TM 

[PDF] Practice Problems for Final Exam: Solutions CS 341

Turing-decidable language Answer: A language A that is decided by a Turing machine; i e there is a Turing machine M such that M halts and accepts on any 

[PDF] Homework 8 Solutions

Consider the decision problem of testing whether a DFA and a regular expression are equivalent Express this problem as a language and show that it is decidable 

[PDF] A is a DFA and L(A) = ? Want to show that

Construct a Turing machine T to show that S is decidable Let MR be the DFA that accepts the reverse of strings that are accepted by M Then L(MR) = L(M) 

[PDF] Sample Decidable/Undecidable proofs

Problem 4 3: Let ALLDFA = {?A? A is a DFA that recognizes ?*} Show that ALLDFA is decidable Proof #1: The following TM decides ALLDFA: S = “On input 

[PDF] CS 301 - Lecture 18 – Decidable languages

ADFA is decidable Theorem The language ADFA = {Bw B is a DFA that accepts the string w} is decidable Proof We want to build a TM M that decides ADFA:

[PDF] Computer Science 313 - GitHub Pages

Theorem The set of regular languages is closed under the kleene star operation Proof Let L be a regular language We need to show that L 

[PDF] CSE 6321 - Solutions to Problem Set 2

Prove that C is Turing-recognizable iff a decidable language D exists such Let T = {?M?M is a TM that accepts wR whenever it accepts w}(wR is the 

[PDF] Introduction to the Theory of Computation 3rd ed

nor do they accept any liabilities with respect to the programs S = {a ? D P(a) = TRUE} or simply S if the domain D is obvious from the context

  • How do you prove a DFA is decidable?

    E(dfa) is a decidable language. Proof: A DFA accepts some string iff reaching an accept state from the start state by >traveling along the arrows of the DFA is possible. To test this condition, we can design a >TM T that uses a marking algorithm similar to that used in Example 3.23. T= "On input , where A is a DFA: 1.
  • How do you show that a language is Turing-recognizable?

    To prove that a given language is Turing-recognizable: Construct an algorithm that accepts exactly those strings that are in the language. It must either reject or loop on any string not in the language.
  • What is the language accepted by a Turing machine explain your answer?

    A language is recursively enumerable (generated by Type-0 grammar) if it is accepted by a Turing machine. A TM decides a language if it accepts it and enters into a rejecting state for any input not in the language. A language is recursive if it is decided by a Turing machine.
  • Sipser (Theorem 5.13) shows that ALLCFG is undecidable. Define CFG G0 = (V, ?, R, S), where V = {S} and S is the starting variable. For each terminal ? ? ?, the CFG G0 has a rule S ? ?S in R. Also, G0 includes the rule S ? ?.
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