[PDF] Many Coupled Oscillators Say we have n particles

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04 Linear Chain of Coupled Oscillators

In particular the generalization of the matrix K from the last section will be symmetric and hence will admit N linearly independent eigenvectors

Physics 235 Chapter 12 - 1 - Chapter 12 Coupled Oscillations Many

Two coupled harmonic oscillators. We will assume that when the masses are in their equilibrium position the springs are also in their equilibrium positions.

Lecture 4: Oscillators to Waves

We'll construct the equations of motion for the N springs. Then we'll solve the coupled equations numerically for finite N to get a sense for what the answer 

Waves & Normal Modes

Feb 2 2016 3.1 N-coupled oscillators . ... 3.1 N-coupled oscillators. From our work looking at normal modes

Correlations and responses for a system of $n$ coupled linear

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The model of n coupled anharmonic oscillators of Iachello and Oss [Phys. Rev. Lett. 66 2976 (1991)]

Lecture 3: Coupled oscillators

where M is defined by this equation. You might recognize this as an eigenvalue equation. An n × n matrix A has n eigenvalues λi and n associated eigenvectors vi 

The Time to Synchronization for N Coupled Metronomes Jeffrey

Perhaps the simplest system which can capture such dynamics is that of two oscillators coupled through the motion of a free platform. In recent years there has 

Topic: Coupled Oscillations

Let us now consider a system with n coupled oscillators. We can describe the state of this system in terms of n generalized coordinates qi. The 

Physics 235 Chapter 12 - 1 - Chapter 12 Coupled Oscillations Many

Two coupled harmonic oscillators. We will assume that when the masses are in their equilibrium position the springs are also in their equilibrium positions.

04 Linear Chain of Coupled Oscillators

The equations of motion (4.1) are mathematically speaking

Many Coupled Oscillators

Many Coupled Oscillators. A VIBRATING STRING. Say we have n particles with the same mass m equally spaced on a string having tension ?.

Waves & Normal Modes

2 févr. 2016 For a system of N coupled 1-D oscillators there exist N normal modes in which all oscillators move with the same frequency and thus.

Lecture 4: Oscillators to Waves

Oscillators to Waves Last time we studied how two coupled masses on springs move ... mass n during the oscillation of normal mode j is given by.

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Coupled Oscillators

We now wish to generalize this example to a system of N masses coupled with various springs to form a molecule or solid with a stable equilibrium configuration.

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networks of globally coupled oscillators and find that the number of repulsive links is always attractive coupling and no death scenario was reported.

04 Linear Chain of Coupled Oscillators

1 janv. 2004 The equations of motion (4.1) are mathematically speaking

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4 That is there are no memory effects. equation. Finally

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Two coupled harmonic oscillators We will assume that when the masses are in their equilibrium position the springs are also in their equilibrium positions

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[PDF] Chapter 12 Coupled Oscillators and Normal Modes - ResearchGate

These frequencies are called the normal frequencies of the system They depend on the values of the two masses and the three spring constants If we had N 


Many Coupled Oscillators


Say we havenparticles with the same massmequally spaced on a string having tensiont. Letykdenote the vertical displacement if the kthmass. Assume the ends of the string are fixed; this is the same as having additional particles at the ends, but with zero displacement:y0=0 andyn+1=0. Letfkbe the angle the segment of the string between the k thand k+1stparticle makes with the horizontal. Then Newton"s second law of motion applied to the k thmass asserts that m¨yk=tsinfktsinfk1;k=1;:::;n:(1) If the particles have horizontal separationh, then tanfk= (yk+1yk)=h. For the case of small vibrations we assume thatfk0; then sinfktanfk= (yk+1yk)=hso we can rewrite (1) as


wherep2=t=mh. This is a system of second order linear constant coefficient differential equations with the boundary conditionsy0(t) =0 andyn+1(t) =0. As usual, one seeks special solutions of the formyk(t) =vkeat. Substituting this into (2) we find a


that is,a2is an eigenvalue of the matrixp2(T2I), where T=0 B

BBBBBBBB@0 1 0 0:::0 0 0

1 0 1 0:::0 0 0

0 1 0 1:::0 0 0........................

0 0 0 0:::0 1 0

0 0 0 0:::1 0 1

0 0 0 0:::0 1 01



From the work in the next section (see (9)), we conclude that a

2k=2p2(1coskpn+1) =4p2sin2kp2(n+1);k=1;:::;n;

so a k=2ipsinkp2(n+1);k=1;:::;n: The corresponding eigenvectorsVkare the same as forT(see (10)). Thus the special solutions are Y k(t) =Vke2iptsinkp2(n+1);k=1;:::;n; whereY(t) = (y1(t);:::;yn(t)). 1


We investigate the simplennreal tridiagonal matrix: M=0 B

BBBBBBBB@a b0 0:::0 0 0

b a b0:::0 0 0

0b a b:::0 0 0........................

0 0 0 0:::a b0

0 0 0 0:::b a b

0 0 0 0:::0b a1



whereTis defined by (3). This matrix arises in many applications, such asncoupled har- monic oscillators (see the previous section) and solving the Laplace equation numerically. ClearlyMandThave the same eigenvectors and their respective eigenvalues are related byμ=a+bl. Thus, to understandMit is sufficient to work with the simpler matrixT.


Usually one first finds the eigenvalues and then the eigenvectors of a matrix. ForT, it is a bit simpler first to find the eigenvectors. Letlbe an eigenvalue (necessarily real) and V= (v1;v2;:::;vn)be a corresponding eigenvector. It will be convenient to writel=2c. Then

0= (TlI)V=0


BBBBBBBB@2c1 0 0:::0 0 0

12c1 0:::0 0 0

0 12c1:::0 0 0........................

0 0 0 0:::2c1 0

0 0 0 0:::12c1

0 0 0 0:::0 12c1





1 v 2 v 3... v n2 v n1 v n1 C


0 B




v k12cvk+vk+1... v n22cvn1+vn v n12cvn1 C


Except for the first and last equation, these have the form v k12cvk+vk+1=0:(5) 2 We can also bring the first and last equations into this same form by introducing new arti- ficial variablesv0andvn+1, setting their values as zero:v0=0,vn+1=0. The result (5) is asecond order linear difference equation with constant coefficients along with theboundary conditions v0=0, andvn+1=0. As usual for such equations one seeks a solution with the formvk=rk. Equation (5) then gives 12cr+r2=0 whose roots are r =cpc 21

Note also


Case 1:c6=1. In this case the two rootsrare distinct. Letr:=r+=c+pc 21.


21=1=r, we deduce that the general solution of (4) is

v k=Ark+Brk;k=2;:::;n1 (7) for some constantsAandBwhich.

The first boundary condition,v0=0, givesA+B=0, so

v k=A(rkrk);k=1;:::;n1:(8) Since for a non-trivial solution we needA6=0, the second boundary condition,vn+1=0, implies r n+1r(n+1)=0;sor2(n+1)=1: In particular,jrj=1. Using (6), this gives 2jcj jrj+jrj1=2. Thusjcj 1. In fact, jcj<1 because we are assuming thatc6=1. Case 2:c=1. Thenr=cand the general solution of (4) is now v k= (A+Bk)ck: The boundary conditionv0=0 implies thatA=0. The other boundary condition then gives 0=vn+1=B(n+1)cn+1. This is satisfied only in the trivial caseB=0. Conse- quently the equations (4) have no non-trivial solution forc=1. It remains to rewrite our results in a simpler way. We are in Case 1 sojrj=1. Thus r=eiq,c=cosq, and 1=r2(n+1)=e2i(n+1)q. Consequently 2(n+1)q=2kpfor some

1kn(we excludek=0 andk=n+1 because we know thatc6=1, sor6=1).

Normalizing the eigenvectorsVby the choiceA=1=2i, we summarize as follows: 3

Theorem 1The nn matrix T has the eigenvalues

l k=2c=2cosq=2coskpn+1;1kn(9) and corresponding eigenvectors V k= (sinkpn+1;sin2kpn+1;:::;sinnkpn+1):(10) REMARK1. Ifn=2k+1 is odd, then the middle eigenvalue is zero because(k+1)p=(n+

1) = (k+1)p=2(k+1) =p=2.

REMARK2. Since 2ab=a2+b2(ab)2a2+b2with equality only ifa=b, we see that for anyx2Rn with equality only ifx=0. Similarlyhx;Txi 2kxk2. Thus, the eigenvalues ofTare in the interval2These are theGershgorin disks. Theorem 2 (Gershgorin)Each eigenvalues of A lies in at least one of these Gershgorin discs. Proof:SayAx=lxand sayjxij=maxjjxjj. Theithcomponent ofAx=lxis (laii)xi=å j6=ia ijxj so j(laii)xij å j6=ijaijjjxjj Rijxij:

That is,jlaiij Ri, as claimed.

By Gershgorin"s theorem, we observed immediately that all of the eigenvalues ofT satisfyjlj 2. 4


We use recursion onn, the size of thennmatrixT. It will be convenient to build on (4) and letDn=det(TlI). As before, letl=2c. Then, expanding by minors using the first column of (4) we obtain the formula D n=2cDn1Dn2n=3;4;::::(11) SinceD1=2candD2=4c21, we can use (11) to defineD0:=1. The relation (11) is, except for the sign ofc, is identical to (5). The solution forc6=1 is thus D k=Ask+Bsk;k=0;1;:::;(12) where



This time we determine the constantsA,Bfrom theinitial conditions D0=1 andD1=

2c. The result is

D k=8 :12 pc



For many purposes it is useful to rewrite this.

Case 1:jcj<1. Thens=c+ip1c2hasjsj=1 sos=eiaandc=cosafor some

0 D k=sin(k+1)asina:(15) Case 2:c>1. Writec=coshbfor someb>0. Sinceebeb=2c=s+s1, write s=eb. Then from (14), D k= (1)ksinh(k+1)bsinhb;(16) where we chose the sign in pc

21=sinhbso thatD0=1.

Case 3:c<1. Writec=coshbfor someb>0. Sinceet+et=2c=s+s1, writes=eb. Then from (14), D k=sinh(k+1)bsinhb;(17) where we chose the sign in pc

21= +sinhtso thatD0=1.

Note that ast!0 in (15)-(17), that is, asc! 1. these formulas agree with the case c=1 in (14). 5quotesdbs_dbs20.pdfusesText_26

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