1946 - 1948 Reconstruction

Now that the war, with the inevitable misery and destruction, was over, an abundance of Douglas DC3 and DC4 surplus American aircraft and the construction of the French Bloch 161 Languedocnew technology aircraft enabled French air transport to take off again. Air travel was gradually changing, increasingly becoming the rule rather than the exceptio...

1974 - 1989 Mass Air Travel and New Technologies

The arrival of wide-bodied aircraft with 300 to 500 seats ( Airbus A300, Boeing 747) opened up air travel to a larger number of people. However, it coincided with the world economic crisis and rising fuel prices triggered by the first oil crisis in 1973, followed by the second in 1979. This shook up the economics of air travel and competition becam...

1990 - 1998 Recovery and Profitable Growth

In the early 1990s, the economic crisis hit airlines worldwide and led to a series of mergers. Air France, UTA and Air Inter merged to form one of the world's largest air transport groups, the Air France Group, on January 12, 1990 (after Air France acquires UTA stake) Air France developed a staff-backed, wide-scale strategic plan, the Corporate Pla...

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How did the French aviation industry change from 1923 to 1933?

From 1923 to 1933, the French airline network grew fivefold. The financial crisis in the early 1930s, which inevitably left its mark on civil aviation, and the political determination of Pierre Cot, Minister of Aviation, resulted in the first major restructuring of the French air transport industry in 1933.

How did Air France get off the ground?

As it celebrates this joyous occasion, here’s a look a the story of how the carrier got off the ground. Air France was formed following the merger of five key French operators. Air Orient, Air Union, Lignes Farman, CIDNA, and Aéropostale went through a series of mergers and acquisitions to form a sole national carrier.

When did Air France become state-owned?

On June 26, 1945, the French civil aviation industry was nationalized and the former private company Air France became state-owned. A decision on December 29,1945 terminated the activities of the RLAF and turned the entire French airline network over to the Société Nationale Air France.

When did Air Orient become a national airline?

On 30 August?1933, at the instigation of the Minister for Air Transport, Pierre Cot, the five main French airlines, Air Orient, Air Union, Lignes Farman, CIDNA and, a little later, Aéropostale, merged to form a single national airline. This new national institution did not yet have a name.

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