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Place of English in School-Curriculum

nations. Fourth English ceased to be a compulsory subject. Fifth


2018. 12. 26. English is a compulsory subject in the general education curriculum from grades 3 to 12. As one of the instrumental subjects in school ...


(ii) Place of English as a compulsory subject in school curriculum (both at elementary and secondary levels). (iii). Learning Objectives of learning English 

The Place of English in the College Curriculum

The compulsory instruction in German in the public schools of many. Western cities gives prominence to this language and promotes its study. If we assume 

Ontario Curriculum Grades 11 and 12 English

As part of their program in Grades 11 and 12 students must take a com- pulsory course in English in each grade. They may choose their compulsory courses from.

Language Curriculum Development in South Africa: What Place for

and a compulsory subject in all schools for such reasons it remained a problematic language in the African educational context. A LANGUAGE-IN-EDUCATION MODEL:.


As a result English is now treated as inseparable from the school curriculum as many schools feel the needs as well as the must to teach it. The most current 

The Icelandic national curriculum guide for compulsory schools

takes place in English. Danish or another Nordic language


In secondary schools English has been taught as a compulsory subject according to the national curriculum over the last 60 years. It was introduced at the 


becomes necessary to think about its place in school-curriculum. For this one must know : Fourth


apart from its importance as a medium of learning other subjects in schools language also helps the child in communication and self-expression.


01-Sept-2017 Recently English subject that is usually found in elementary school curriculum is disappeared. It does not belong to one of subjects taught at.


26-Dec-2018 English is a compulsory subject in the general education curriculum from grades 3 to 12. As one of the instrumental subjects in school English ...

National Curriculum Framework 2005

02-May-2005 Curriculum Framework for School Education (NCFSE – 2000) in the light of the report ... As mathematics is a compulsory subject at the.

Pedagogy of English - 1

nature of English language and the importance of teaching of English. Is English a compulsory subject at intermediate and undergraduate classes?


As a result English is now treated as inseparable from the school curriculum as many schools feel the needs as well as the must to teach it. The most current 


India English is being taught as a compulsory subject. In the context of Odisha. English enjoys the second position in the secondary school curriculum.


educationists with regard to the place of English in system of education and there has been compulsory subject as recommended by the Education Ministers.



Should English be a compulsory subject? – Sage-Answer

As a compulsory subject in the general education curriculum English is also directly inter-related with many other subjects/educational areas such as Literature/Vietnamese Natural and Social Sciences History and Geography Arts Physical Education Computing Experimental Activities

The implementation of English as a compulsory subject in

Mongolian government introduced English as a compulsory subject at the secondary level In 1997 the government mandated English to be taught as a primary foreign language at all levels of educa-


subject As a result English is now treated as inseparable from the school curriculum as many schools feel the needs as well as the must to teach it The most current issue on English at primary


The Place of Language in UNIT 1 THE PLACE OF LANGUAGE IN the School Curriculum THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM Structure 1 1 Introduction 1 2 Objectives 1 3 The Curriculum 1 4 Teaching Language at the Primary Level 1 5 Developing Language Skills 1 6 The Three Language Formula 1 6 1 The First Language (L1) 1 6 2 The Second Language (L2) 1 6 3 The Third

The Implementation of the Basic School English Curriculum

to implement the English language curriculum well Apart from the teacher receiving training in the teaching of English other facilities must be put in place in order to handle the subject better In a study conducted by Torto (20l4) on the approaches adopted by basic school teachers in their teaching of writing it was found out that the

Is English a compulsory subject in primary schools?

    The English subject in primary schools Although English has been officially introduced as a compulsory subject in primary schools, the teaching hours in the curriculum are not comparable to Chinese and mathematics, as will be illustrated below. Why is the English language mandatory in schools?

Which subjects are made compulsory by some schools in the curriculum?

    Art, foreign language and physical education is also made compulsory by some schools in the curriculum. 03. Undergraduate Schools offer a two-year degree which is called associate's degree or four-year degree called bachelor's degree in a particular field of study.

Why should English be compulsory?

    In conclusion, English language should be made compulsory because it provides a lot of opportunities for the ones who can use it. This language gives choices for future development, makes communicating between people easier and helps people to use the technological advantages of the modern world. Why is English a required subject?

What is the English curriculum?

    The curriculum includes one-year academic English courses for schoolchildren with a level of Intermediate or higher, a generalist preparatory section of subjects taught in English, and sometimes also specialized training for the specialty that student is planning admission for.

The Place of Language in

the School Curriculum




1.1 Introduction

1.2 Objectives

1.3 The Curriculum

1.4 Teaching Language at the Primary Level

1.5 Developing Language Skills

1.6 The Three Language Formula

1.6.1 The First Language (L1)

1.6.2 The Second Language (L2)

1.6.3 The Third Language (L3)

1.7 Let Us Sum Up

1.8 Unit-end Exercises


Language occupies a key position in the School curriculum. More so at the primary stage, because it is at this stage that the child is receiving formal instruction in language for the first time. Before that, he/she was learning language in an informal way primarily in the home. And since it is through language that the child learns all the other subjects at school, this formal instruction in language leads to his/her learning in other curricular areas as well. Further, apart from its importance as a medium of learning other subjects in schools, language also helps the child in communication and self-expression. As children grow up they need to express their ideas, feeling and opinions. This self-expression is the basis of the growth of the child's self, his/her personality and individuality. Thus language helps the learners- (i) in learning their school subjects, (ii) in communicating with others, both at school and outside, (iii) in their day-to-day life situations and (iv) in the learning of concept in other areas. Proper language learning means learning of the four basic language skills i.e. skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. In order to develop these basic language skills among the learners, you as a teacher have an important role to play. To be able to carry out your task effectively it is desirable that you should (i) understand the importance of language in the school curriculum, and (ii) know the use of effective strategies to develop the language skills among your learners. The present unit is an attempt to help you in these directions.


After going through this Unit, you should be able to: describe the importance of language teaching; explain the place of language in the primary school curriculum; state the objectives of teaching language at primary level; use several strategies to develop the language skills among the learner; 10

Language Teaching -

An Overview

explain the three-language formula; and differentiate between the importance of teaching first, second and thirdlanguages.


The all-round development of the learner is the ultimate aim of education. Therefore, the curriculum should be so designed and developed that this ultimate objective is achieved. Here, obviously, you would like to know exactly what is meant by "curriculum"? Curriculum is the sum total experience provided to the child by the school. It included not only the subjects or courses taught in the school but also includes other activities organised by the school for enhancing student learning. Language as a part of school curriculum plays a vital role in this context. Figure 1.1 (below) gives the possible/approximate relative weightages that one can think of while identifying the importance of various subjects in the primary curriculum. However, the weightage distributed for various subjects is tentative and one can redistribute it keeping in view the subject matter to be taught.

Fig. 1.1: Key Environmental Science

Can you tell which subject has the highest weightage in the above figure in the context of primary curriculum? Certainly, language has a weightage of 30% whereas the weightage for the other subjects varies from 10% to 20%. This will give you an idea on the importance of language teaching in the primary school curriculum. 11

The Place of Language in

the School Curriculum

Check Your Porgress

Note: Compare your answers with the one given at the end of this block.

1) For the following statements encircle 'T' for those statements which

you consider as true and 'F' for those which you consider as false. a) Language does not occupy an important place in the school curriculum(T/F) b) Language helps children to communicate with others(T/F) c) Language does not help in students' learning(T/F) d) It is necessary to develop basic language skills among children in the primary schools(T/F) e) Ultimate aim of education is the all-round development of the learner(T/F) f) Language carries the lowest weightage in the school curriculum(T/F)


As stated earlier, children begin to learn language consciously at the primary school level. They acquire spoken language while interacting with their family members even before they come to school. But all this learning is informal and not very structured. Fig. 1.2: A Child is interacting with family members Once the child enters the school he/she starts learning language in a classroom situation in a planned and systematic manner. In the school curriculum, learning experiences in language are presented in a planned manner. In order to plan language teaching in a systematic way, it is desirable for you as a language teacher to understand the main objectives of teaching language at the primary level. 12

Language Teaching -

An Overview

Fig. 1.3: Children sitting in a Classroom

While teaching language your aim should be to enable your students to: listen with understanding; speak effectively in both informal and formal situations; read with comprehension, enjoy various kinds of reading materials; write neatly, with logical sequence and creativity; and use grammar functionally in various contexts. Thus, as a teacher you should help your student to develop the basic language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The main objectives of teaching language are to develop these skills for better understanding and effective communication. Though we have talked of listening, speaking, reading and writing as separate skills, but in the real sense, they are inter-linked or inter- related. For example, listening and reading are inter-linked, so are reading and writing, and listening and speaking. When we speak we also listen, when we write we also read; and when we read aloud we speak also. You might have yourself experienced all this many a time.

Check Your Progress

Note: Compare your answers with the one given at the end of this block.

2. Encircle 'A' if you agree with the statements given below and encircle

'D' if you disagree. a) A child does not learn language before entering the school(A/D) b) Students learn language in a planned manner in the school(A/D) c) Learning experiences presented to the students inside the classrooms are not planned(A/D) 13

The Place of Language in

the School Curriculum d) The child begins to learn language systematically in the home.(A/D) e) While teaching language, the teacher should expect that the child will be able to listen with understanding(A/D) f) Students can not speak effectively after learning language(A/D) g) The main objectives of teaching language are to develop the basic language skills(A/D) h) Language skills are not inter-linked(A/D)


You may be wondering about how language skills can be developed. As a teacher you have a major role to play in helping students develop basic language skills. In this context, remember that in any skill development programme the strategies used are those which are very familiar. The only they can be carried out effectively, and will motivate the students to participate actively. Let us see what are the strategies which are very familiar and appropriate for the students to enable him/her to learn language skills at the primary stage effectively. Some of the strategies are given below in the Table.



1. Story telling * selecting a popular tale,

which contains very simple words and sentences and the situation is familiar and common to the students of the class * telling the tale to theListening with students in a very naturalunderstanding way by creating an interesting situation * taking care to includeUnderstanding the a few common dialoguedialogue * asking the students- - to repeat (orally) theSpeaking simple sentences - a few simple questionsResponding yes or no - a few questions ofComprehending ideas, "who", "when" and Regarding persons, "where".time/place, and the situation

2. Drama *Selecting a popular and

interesting topic and developing a script on it. 14

Language Teaching -

An Overview

* Selecting and naming the students for different characters * Encouraging them to Listening and speak a particular dialoguespeaking * asking students- Speaking by - to answer simplecomprehending ideas questions, based onfrom the drama the dialoguedialogue speaking - to repeat a few known words - to write simpleWriting sentences related to the dialogue - to recall events andComprehension answer the questionsof ideas,events, of "what" and "how" persons etc.

3. Question-answer * asking questions ofSpeaking, writing and

"who", "what" andcomprehension "how"

4. Word-building *grouping the whole class

games *asking each group toUnderstanding, and say a word starting speaking and with an alphabet (e.g. 'b')comprehension

5. Riddles, puzzles *asking a riddleUnderstanding,

about persons/thingsfamiliar in the areaspeaking and comprehension

6. Essay writing * guiding the studentsWriting and

to write an essaycomprehension

7. Letter writing *guiding the students Writing

to write a letter to mother, father, brother, sister or a friend

8. Narration of events *reading a topic fromListening and

the book and asking thespeaking students to narrate the same in their own words * asking them to Speaking and writing answer the questions on the topics We will be discussing these strategies in more detail later on. But while using these strategies inside the classroom try to use them in such a way that language teaching-learning process becomes a joyful and pleasant activity for the children. 15

The Place of Language in

the School Curriculum

Check Your Progress

Note: Compare your answers with the one given at the end of this block.

3. what are the basic language skills that should be taken care of in a class-

room situation?

i) ...............................................................................................................

ii) ...............................................................................................................

iii) ...............................................................................................................

iv) ...............................................................................................................

4. Why should you use the strategies that are familiar to the students as

well as to you?

i) ...............................................................................................................

ii) ...............................................................................................................

5. In column A, some strategies are given and in column B, a few skills are

given. Put a tick ( ⎷ ) mark in the column B for the skills which can be developed by a particular strategy. AB

StrategiesListening SpeakingReadingWriting

i) Story-telling ii) Drama iii)Question-answer iv) Word-building games v) Riddles vi) Essay writing vii) Letter writing viii)Narration of events


It is desirable that you should know how many languages are to be taught at the primary level. In this context, the Government of India has adopted a formula known as the Three Language Formula. According to this formula, every child has to learn the following:

1. The mother tongue or the regional language;

2. The official language of the union or the associate official language of the

Union so long as it exists (official language of the union is Hindi and its associate official language is English);

3. Modern Indian language or a foreign language, not covered under (1) &

(2) above and other than that used as the medium of instruction. 16

Language Teaching -

An Overview

India is a country of many languages. Constitutionally, India has 18 languages. Therefore, one needs to know more than one language if he/she wants to interact with people from different parts of the country. If one knows only his/her mother- tongue he/she will only be able to communicate with people within one's own state. This means one is completely isolating oneself from other regions/states and other languages. A student who has learnt only his/her mother tongue can not acquire knowledge regarding the other regions and languages unless it is translated into his/her own language. His/her education thus becomes very limited. Under the three language formula an attempt has been made to take care of this shortcoming. Now under this formula a child is expected to learn three languages at school, namely First language (L1), Second language (L2) and the Third language (L3).

1.6.1 The First Language (L1)

The language that we learn from our childhood is usually spoken by our parents, family members and the other people around us. This is known as our first language or L1. Since this is the language we know best and use commonly, the government decided that the medium of instruction at primary stage should be one's own regional language. Being a teacher you might have experienced that at the primary stage most of the instruction takes place only through the regional language or through the children's mother tongue. First language is acquired naturally, through interacting with family members and friends without much formal instruction. But even though, we may communicate effectively in our first language, many of us do not have a complete knowledge of all the sounds and letters of the language or its grammar. This is because we acquire it informally. Therefore formal instruction in the first languages is provided in the School.

1.6.2 The Second Language (L2)

One of the aims of education is to expose the learner to various situations and develop such ability which enables him/her to gain knowledge from every possible source and share the same with others. Therefore, the learner needs to learn the second language (L2) which in our country usually is either Hindi or English. The second language is learn consciously and deliberately for a specific purpose i.e., to gather information and acquire knowledge. The sounds, letters and grammar of the second language can be learn properly only when they are deliberately taught by the teachers and consciously learn by the students. Under the three language formula, second language (L2) is taught at a later stage in the primary school curriculum, after the child has already learn one language well i.e. his/her (L1). We use first language to communicate and to express our feelings and thoughts in our day-to-day life situations. On the other hand, second language is used in situation other than personal.

1.6.3 The Third Language (L3)

You might ask what happens in a case where the learner's first language is Hindi and second language is English and neither of this can help him/her in certain situations. For instance, child's mother tongue is Khasi and he/she learns

English as his/her second language.

When he/she goes to a village in Bihar. He/she may not be in a position to speak to people either in his/her first language (Khasi) or second language (English). Because people of that village in Bihar may not be knowing either Khasi or English. In such cases, communications or interaction with other people becomes difficult, and may even be impossible at times. This is where third language (L3) has a significant role to play. 17

The Place of Language in

the School Curriculum Fig. 1.4: A situation where a student sitting helplessly, while others are interacting actively In the three language formula teaching of third language (L3), has been introduced a year after the introduction of the second language. Thus, the third language is taught at a later stage in school, and that too for a shorter time, as it is needed only in limited context i.e. in social situation where neither first nor second language could help the child to communicate. However, you must remember that different languages have a common core area. Students must learn the basic core area during the elementary grades. The basic core area refers to the letters of the alphabet, the sounds of languages, and to the important aspects of the grammar of the language. The students should be made aware of these core areas whether it is the first language, the second or the third language.

Check Your Progress

Note: Compare your answers with the one given at the end of this block.

6. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words given in the brackets against

each statement. a) ............ has adopted the three language formula in India. (State

Govt., Central Govt., Public)

b) India is a country of .......................... languages(12,14,18) c) Students should learn ........................ languages in the school.(two, three, four) d) The ....................... language is spoken and used in a particular region. (first, second, third) e) Government has decided that the ............... language should be the medium of instruction at primary level. (first, second, third) f) In India .................... is usually either Hindi or

English. ( L1, L2, L3)

g) ....................... is acquired naturally. (L1, L2, L3) h) The .................. language is learn consciously.(first, second, third) i) The ......................... Language is acquired informally.(first, second, third) j) L2 is taught at the ....................... stage in school.(beginning, later) 18

Language Teaching -

An Overview


In this unit we have focussed on various issues in language teaching at primary stage such as: - Language plays an important role not only for general communication in our day to day life but also as a medium of instruction in schools. - The basic language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing are to be developed among the learners. - The three-language formula aims at giving the learner at school the ability to use three languages at different levels so that he/she is able to communicate in other circumstances effectively.


1. What is your L1, L2 and L3?

2. Why is mother tongue of the child taught to him/her before any other


3. Name at least two differences between teaching the first and the second


4. If you have been asked to choose a third language what language would

you choose? Give two reasons for your answer.quotesdbs_dbs19.pdfusesText_25
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