[PDF] plan schuman


1952, the Schuman Plan was imple- better to help draw up the treaty and mented; West Germany, France, thus influence its provisions than to be Italy, Belgium, The Nether lands, and helplessly in opposition There were Luxemburg joined together to form some enthusiasts and some die-hard

Schuman Declaration - Europa

60th anniversary of the Schuman declaration 1950-2010 Luxembourg : Publications Office, 2010 Online Access - OPEN ACCESS This bibliography aims broadly to cover all those aspects that actually are the cause and the origin of the Schuman Plan 1 The historical background, 2 The 9th of May Declaration and the Schuman Plan, 3 The beginning of

Robert Schuman: the architect of the European integration project

Marshall Plan and NATO: all initiatives aimed at increased cooperation within the western alliance and to unite Europe But what Schuman became most known for is what is now called the 'Schuman Declaration' in which he proposed to Germany and the rest of the European countries to work together towards a merger of their economic interests He was

The Schuman Declaration (Paris, 9 May 1950)

The Schuman Declaration (Paris, 9 May 1950) Author: CVCE / All rights of reproduction, public communication, adaptation, distribution or dissemination via Internet, internal network or any other means are strictly reserved in all countries The documents available on this Web site are the exclusive property of their authors or right holders

Jean Monnet: the unifying force behind the birth of the

cause of European integration He was the inspiration behind the ‘Schuman Plan’, which foresaw the merger of west European heavy industry Monnet was from the Cognac region of France When he left school at 16 he travelled internationally as a cognac dealer, later also as a banker During both

European Union Foreign Policy: A Historical Overview

During the negotiations for the Schuman Plan (1950), on which the agreement to form the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) is based, concerns emerged about a possible German rearmament

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