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Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment

Jan 16, 2020 · the outstanding States to ratify the long -expired ERA Resolution, arguing that the congressional deadline was invalid or could be retroactively nullified by Congress In 2017, Nevada voted to ratify the ERA, see S J Res 2, 79th Leg (Nev 20 17), and in 2018, Illinois did the same , see S J Res Const Amend 0004, 100th Gen Assemb (Ill

Request to Ratify an Unauthorized Commitment

1 Complete the “Request to Ratify an Unauthorized Commitment,” (Attachment 1) and include all the facts and pertinent documentation to support the ratification request 2 Consult with the Contracting Officer (CO) if you have any questions concerning the information required to complete the request to ensure the accuracy of the information


the recommendation A recommendation not to ratify must include a recommendation as to whether or not the matter should be processed under FAR part 50 and (Pub L 85-804) as a Government Accountability Office (GAO) claim or in some other appropriate way 4

Federalist Papers ratify - Civics 360

The Federalists, who shared their ideas in the Federalist Papers, wanted the states to ratify the Constitution as written in 1787 This would create a federal system of government in the United States where the central government would share power with the states Federalists believed that

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