[PDF] liszt transcendental etudes analysis


The eTudes d’exécu Tion TranscendaneT by Franz LiszT Aquiles Delle Vigne “His performance of the Etudes was full of fire and passion, truly diabolical, almost a wild Liszt, seductive and capricious but always new It was a great moment of musical power ” Georges cziFFra, pianist, Paris, last Professor of Aquiles Delle Vigne


A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THREE ETUDES by Franz Liszt’s Transcendental Etude S 139, No 10 Harmonies du soir (1852), and Charles-Valentin Alkan’s Etude Op


discuss Liszt's musicality and the background to his compositions Finally, this thesis will draw upon the information about Liszt's musical virtuosity and the historical development of new piano techniques through analysis of key pieces from Liszt's Weimar period These pieces are the third version of Transcendental Etudes No 10

The “Gypsy” style as extramusical reference: A historical and

Tan, Sok-Hoon, The “Gypsy” style as extramusical reference: A historical and stylistic reassessment of Liszt’s Book I “Swiss” of Années de pèlerinage Master of Music (Musicology), May 2008, 79 pp , 42 musical examples, selected

of the twentieth century LISTENING GUIDE

he Transcendental Étudeswere first composed in 1826, when Liszt was fifteen years old But, as with much of Liszt’s music, the works were revised and reissued later—in this case, 1839 Though the music was extremely difficult to perform in its earlier version, Liszt’s revisions made it even more demanding

Music Performance in Action: Mathematical Interpretation of

Franz Liszt (1811-1886), an influential figure in the history of Romanticism, known for novelties in the piano and orchestral oeuvre, stretches the limits of piano performance by diversifying his music through changes in form, structure, and harmony A prominent artistic figure in music studies, Liszt’s compositions

Texas Tech University School of Music

Liszt, Transcendental Etudes Tchaikovsky, Piano Conc No 1 Tchaikovsky, The Nutcracker Weber, Der Freischutz Verdi, La Traviata Wagner, Tristan und Isolde Rimsky Korsakov, Scheherazade Mahler, Symphony No 1 Puccini, La Boheme Ives, Three Places in New England Ives, The Unanswered Question Debussy, Three Nocturnes

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