[PDF] london docks

Royal London Docks - Londons Royal Docks

Royal Docks) The Royal London Docks, Millennium Mills and London City Airport are also designated as areas of Open Space Aims of the survey 1 4 The aim of the survey is to provide baseline ecological information for the site It will inform the Royal Docks Management Authority so that they can: identify its biodiversity value;


Like the London Docks, St Katharine Docks handled an enormous variety of goods, particularly luxury goods This included sugar, wine, perfumes, ivory and spices, as well as tortoiseshell, ostrich feathers and mohair Two of the largest quantities of goods were wool and tea, and it has been said that St Katharine Docks and the London Docks

London Docks, (London, UK) case study - Waterco

London Docks, (London, UK) Setting: A modern rebirth of the historic London Docks With its self-contained wharves, secure warehouses, underground vaults and acres of open water, London’s historic docks in Wapping once played a critical role in the city’s international trade of luxury commodities like coffee and cocoa

LONDON DOCK - Berkeley Group

through the docks, from silks and wools, to tea and wine ” Fouad Qeblawi, Interior Architect, 1508 London London Dock was a destination for the most refined cargo from around the world Reflecting its illustrious history, the interior design has woven a tapestry rich in textures, materials and colours

Silvertown Quays, Royal Docks - London

the docks became London's principal docks during the first half of the 20th century specialising particularly in the import and unloading of foodstuffs, with rows of giant granaries and refrigerated warehouses sited alongside the quays Declining following severe damage during the Second World


London, Tate and Lyle Sugars, University of East London and London City Airport Parts of the OA and the Royal Docks in particular have seen significant recent investment - supported by the designation of London’s only Enterprise Zone - and the pace of change is rapid New neighbourhoods like Royal Wharf are emerging, and interest in

On the Docks - Brass Tally Men Londons Dock Workers

London’s dock workers, the stevedores, dockers and tally clerks It has focussed on the fascinating history of the people who worked on the docks of London from the 1930s onwards It explores their working lives and how the docks shaped whole communities in London for centuries up until their closure in the 1980s

Making connections: Custom House and Royal - Royal Docks

Located in the south of the London borough of Newham, the Royal Docks is one of London’s most important growth locations Identified as one of the largest ‘Opportunity Areas’ in the draft New London Plan, and designated as London’s only Enterprise Zone, the area has the capacity to

The City of London and slavery: evidence from the first dock

The City of London and slavery: evidence from the first dock companies, 1795–18001 By N DRAPER Through analysing the composition of the founding shareholders in the West India and London Docks,this article explores the connections between the City of London and the slave economy on the eve of the abolition of the slave trade It establishes that

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