[PDF] louis antoine de bougainville

Chapter 2 May 1768, the French ‘discovery’ by Louis-Antoine

Louis-Antoine de Bougainville 1 The narrative1 The French round-the-world expedition led by Louis-Antoine de Bougainville was among the first to open up a new era of voyaging in wich discoveries were sought as m uch f or mercantile pr ofit as f or the ne w scientific stud y of the ‘System of Nature’

encyclopediacom Louis Antoine De Bougainville Encyclopedia

Louis Antoine De Bougainville Encyclopedia com Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography COPYRIGHT 2008 Charles Scribner's Sons 5-6 minutes (b Paris, France, 11 November 1729; d Paris, 31 August 1811) geography, mathematics Bougainville was the son of a notary, Pierre-Yves de Bougainville


LOUIS-ANTOINE DE BOUGAINVILLE (1729–1811) JOURNAL OF THE SEVEN YEARS’ WAR (1756) September 6 With the enemy so well positioned and strong, and so few of us I think it will be impossible for us to undertake any considerable action against troops three times more numerous than us, solidly entrenched everywhere, and with good forts We

The Bougainville referendum and beyond

The first recorded European contact with Bougainville was by the French explorer Admiral Louis Antoine de Bougainville in July 1768 De Bougainville named the main island after himself but the French never settled it In the late 1800s Germany claimed northern New Guinea and its islands, including Bougainville


The name comes from Louis Antoine de Bougainville, a French navigator and military com­ mander who was the first Euro­ pean to take note of the plant, in Brazil, in 1768 B spectabilis This was the first member of the genus to be identified from Brazil in 1798 German botanist Carl Ludwig Willdenow is credited with this identification

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Ministry of Education and Training 2021 Année 14 selections Lycee Louis Antoine de Bougainville 01 02 03 05 06 07 08 09 10 12 13 14 15 16 17

Écrits sur le Canada Mémoires-Journal-Lettres

de Marie-Françoise d’Arboulin, sœur d’un proche collaborateur de Mme de Pompadour, Louis-Antoine de Bougainville fit de solides études classiques au cours desquelles il laissa apparaître de brillantes dispositions pour les sciences exactes auxquelles il s’était initié sous la direction de Clairaut et de d’Alembert

Bougainville Diderot

une suite au Voyage autour du monde de Louis-Antoine de Bougainville, publié en 1771 Cela explique que le titre du texte de Diderot comporte bien une majuscule au mot « Voyage » (d’après Wikipedia) 1729 Paris 1811 Officier de la marine royale française Circumnavigation 5 octobre 1713 Langres 31 juillet Juillet 1784 1784

Ministry of Education and Training - Home

Ministry of Education and Training 2021 Année 14 selections Lycee Louis Antoine de Bougainville College de Norsup Lycee de Montmartre Lycee Louis Antoine de Bougainville

Agnotology and Exotic Abortifacients: The Cultural Production

Jeanne Baret in 1766 sailed with Louis-Antoine de Bougainville around the world, but she traveled not openly as a botanist but covertly, disguised as a male valet to the ship's botanist, Philibert Commerson 6 Other women, like Lady Ann Monson or Maria Riddell, collected

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