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Act 1, Scene 1 - HIBS ENGLISH

Macbeth that Cawdor’s titles will be given to him ROSS I’ll see it done ROSS I’ll get it done right away DUNCAN What he hath lost, noble Macbeth hath won DUNCAN The thane of Cawdor has lost what the noble Macbeth has won Exeunt They all exit Act 1, Scene 3 Thunder Enter the three WITCHES Thunder The three WITCHES enter FIRST WITCH

The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare

AQA GCSE English Literature Paper 1: The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare Name: Class: 2 CONTENTS: Act I Scene 1 4 Scene 2 5 Scene 3 8 Scene 4 15 Scene 5 18

Get even more from the Folger - The Folger SHAKESPEARE

Get even more from the Folger You c a n ge t your ow n c opy of t hi s t e xt t o ke e p P ur c ha s e a f ul l c opy t o ge t t he t e xt , pl us e xpl a na t or y not e s , i l l us t r a t i ons , a nd m or e

Modern English Macbeth - School District 43 Coquitlam

‘All hail, Macbeth’ cawed the first witch ‘Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis’ Macbeth and Banquo glanced at each other ‘All hail, Macbeth,’ screamed the second witch ‘Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor’ Macbeth laughed nervously Banquo stared at the women ‘All hail Macbeth’ cooed the third witch ‘That shalt be king

William Shakespeare

English forces Young Siward, his son Seyton (sAPtEn), an officer attending on Macbeth Son, to Macduff An English Doctor A Scottish Doctor A Porter An Old Man Three Murderers Lady Macbeth Lady Macduff A Gentlewoman attending on Lady Macbeth Hecate (hDkPGt), goddess of witchcraft Three Witches Apparitions Lords, Officers, Soldiers, Messengers

act 3 - Mrs Mehrens English Page

Macbeth Here’s our chief guest Lady Macbeth If he had been forgotten, It had been as a gap in our great feast And all-thing unbecoming Macbeth Tonight we hold a solemn supper, sir, And I’ll request your presence Banquo Let your Highness Command upon me, to the which my duties Are with a most indissoluble tie Forever knit Macbeth

from The Tragedy of Macbeth - Ms Bishops English IV Class

Macbeth is about to gain a new title This title comes from being a hero in battle It also comes because of the betrayal of the old Thane of Cawdor I think this might be a clue to something that will happen later in the play Maybe Macbeth’s tragic flaw will lead him to betray the king also Or maybe Macbeth will be betrayed, and that

Macbeth - Macmillan Education

Lady Macbeth’s strange behaviour Imagine you are Lady Macbeth’s servant and you are concerned about her Write a letter to a friend and tell her what has happened at the castle Include how you heard about Duncan’s murder and how Lady Macbeth has changed Start your letter like this: Dear Sally, Things here at the castle have changed so


Malcolm tests Macduff's loyalty to Scotland, and they plan strategy with English forces to oust Macbeth (iii ) Meanwhile, Macbeth has Lady Macduff and all her children slain (ii ) ACT V Lady Macbeth, while sleepwalking, reveals her knowledge of the deaths of Duncan, Lady Macduff, and Banquo Her continual

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