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Home Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Italie TJ l: 39-6-3203903 TJ lJ fax: 39-6-3203992 BELIZE BENIN BOLIVIA - BOLIVIE Representante Miguel Angel SILVA RAMOS Jefe, Departamento de BiotecnologR a AgrR cola SecretarR a Nacional de Agricultura y GanaderR a Av Camacho No 1471 La Paz Bolivia Suplentes J Alvaro LUNA TERRAZAS Ministerio de Desarrollo Sostenible y Medio Ambiente Casilla

Design and Application of High Optical Quality YAG:Ce

Chimie, 46 allée d'Italie, F69364, France ‡ University of Science and Technology AGH, Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics, Al Mickiewicza 30, 30-059, Poland § Institut Lumière Matière, UMR5306, Université Claude Bernard Lyon1-CNRS, bâtiment Kastler, 10 rue Ada Byron, 69622, France

Supplementaryalcoholmaterial less secondary dehydrogenation

Supplementaryalcoholmaterial “Importance of the decoration in shaped cobalt nanoparticles in the acceptor-less secondary dehydrogenation” Kamila Kaźmierczak,a,b Raj Kumar Ramamoorthy,c Arthur Moisset,c Guillaume Viau,c Arnaud

Overlijden – Décès : SCHUGENS Sanny

AESOR Competitie - KLOTEN (Zwitserland) van 22 tot 26 augustus 2005 PEUTIE 22 juni 05 De vertrekplaats in de kleine uurtjes voor een nieuw AESOR avontuur Iedereen is tegenwoordig, op tijd en in kledij Ik bemerk dat er reeds een zeer goede sfeer heerst binnen de groep Ook bij de enkele nieuwelingen die onze rangen vervoegd hebben en die dadelijk

Boundary Lubrication by Pure Crystalline Zinc Orthophosphate

46 alle´e d’Italie, 69364 Lyon, France 123 Tribol Lett (2008) 31:139–148 DOI 10 1007/s11249-008-9346-x be contact zones between rubbing surfaces ZDTP tribo-

Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based

Glossaire OCDE 2002 4 The Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Working Party on Aid Evaluation is an international forum where bilateral and multilateral development evaluation experts meet periodically to share experience to improve evaluation practice and strengthen

Descriptors for maize/Descriptores para maiz/Descripteurs

le Danemark, la France, l´Inde, l´Italie, le Japon, les Pays-Bas, la Norvège, l´Espagne, la Suède, la Suisse, le Royaume-Uni et les Etats-Unis, ainsi que le Programme des Nations Unies pour l´environnement (UNEP) et la Banque Mondiale Citation IBPGR, 1991 Descriptors for Maize International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center,


ITALIE Représentant JAPAU Representatives NETHERLANDS, KINGDOM OF THE Representatives NEW ZEAL/iND Representatives NORWAY Representative M Giuseppe Giorgieri Attaché, '•"'' Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève Mr S Nakase Counsellor, Livestock Industry Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry


ITALIE Représentant: Conseilier: H E Mrs Silvia OSTRY Ambassador for Multilateral Trade Negotiations, Department of External Affairs H E Mr John A BEESLEY Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva Mr Mahmoud Abdel-Bari HAMZA Minister Plenipotentiary (Economic and Commercial Affairs),

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