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National identity Exploring Britishness

Exploring Britishness The chapter explores how people think about ‘Britishness’ and the importance of factors such as languge, ancestry and residence Do you have to be born British, or can Britishness be aquired over time? It starts by considering whether views on these issues have changed since 1995, when the survey first covered this topic


definition of identity, so widening interaction between people from different backgrounds Khan places this in the traditional progressive notion of society, rather than “an assortment of individuals pursuing our own goals” In making this case, Khan argues that Britishness can be a framework for “interculturalism”

“To call attention to the concept of Britishness in the

Britishness is a complicated and enormous thing—what different people see as meaning different things It can mean one island, a group of islands off the coast

Britishness, identity and belonging

statutory definition of ‘racial group’ based on ethnic origin, but offered no protection based on religion or belief In the 80’s the definition of racial group was extended to include Jews and Sikhs but offered no protection for diverse multi ethnic groups such as Muslims and Buddhists

This thesis investigates the ways that ‘Britishness’ was

contradictory and competing, views of Britishness, and used their own definition as a weapon against the other The widespread and significant occurrences during 1848 presented a great opportunity for the development of a concept such as Britishness, and while the mainstream

The future of Britishness - Eric Kaufmann

settlement, an explicit definition of citizenship, a renewal of civic society, a rebuilding of our local government and a better balance between diversity and integration And around national symbols, that also unite the whole country, an inclusive Britishness where, as a result of our comm itment to liberty for all, responsibility

British National Identity in the 21 Century

defining of “Britishness”, have always been part of the party politics It seems that to a certain extent it is left for the government to foster a feeling of “Britishness” among its citizens and it is the role of politicians to define what being British means Therefore this paper aims to


ileges of “Britishness” equally’?2 For the designer of the image the answer in that grim y ear of 1940 w as evidentl y ‘yes’; this is an image of unity a gainst the alien ‘oth-er’ Placed in a more recent perspective, however, the ima gery pr ovides an equall y emphatic ‘no’ as the ans wer The designer

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