[PDF] my teacher mots interrogatifs


Mots interrogatifs: Renvoient à: Traduction: Practice those questions in pairs with cards the teacher will give you Then write a sum up My older brother is

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-73996-2 - Kid’s Box

Press for permission for an individual teacher to make copies for use within his or her own classroom les mots interrogatifs Les sons : /s/, /m/, /t/, /b/ 5


•mots interrogatifs •l’heure •l’heure officielle •passe-temps et activités •adverbes •continents, pays, nationalités Phonétique •les symboles phonétiques •l’élision •la liaison Grammaire •2 1 avoir ‘to have’ •2 2 -er verbs •2 3 possessive determiners •2 4 yes/no questions: est-ce que, n’est-ce pas •

Grammar Practice 2 - Assets - Cambridge University Press

What do you do? les mots interrogatifs + present simple 7 She’s never ill les adverbes de fréquence 7 I know It’s raining present simple / continuous 8 TEST 1 9 They worked hard past simple 10 She studied business past simple 11 Who phoned you? who,what,which,how many 11 I was having dinner past continuous 12 It was raining

Un guide de survie en Français

Les Mots Interrogatifs: Question Words Anglais Francais Exemple Who Qui Qui est ton enseignant? (Who is your teacher?) What Qu’est­ce que? Qu’est­ce que c’est? (What is it?) Which Quel/Quels/Quelle/Quelles m s m p f s f p Quel est ton préféré?

5 Les superlatifsthe unemployed (les chômeurs), the young

créer de nouveaux mots interrogatifs, comme how old, how often, how many, etc Mots interrogatifs› I If 1 Le discours indirect / reported speech If permet d’introduire les questions fermées (yes / no questions) au style indirect In this tweet, the Commonwealth asks: “Can Ame - rindian traditions help us reverse climate change?”


5 a My white trousers are dirty b My sister’s hair is dark c French taxis are comfortable and fast d This boy has got long teeth and small feet 3 Questions – Mots interrogatifs – This / that 1 a What colour is your bike? b Why is John thirsty? c Have you got a computer at home? d Look at that black cat on the roof 2 a

Topics for the Exams SECOND GRADE - CloudCampusPro

Vocabulary “Teacher’s Pet”: wonderful, share, bursting Objectives: 1 Complete spaces, identify words, and answer questions related to the story 2 Match vocabulary words to related images and meanings 3 Read the first sight-reading and answer different questions 4 Copy words in alphabetical order Where to study? Reading notebook

activités prévues pour une utilisation en classe

Find my cousin on this photo two New teacher: Miss Parker Number of teachers: 1 Écoute ces mots puis écris-les dans la colonne correspondant au son entendu


Utilise ces mots pour établir un règlement pour la classe d'anglais Fais autant de phrases que pos- Sible (certains mots sont réutilisables) classmates participate hard Pupils disturb lessons teacher pay English chat 'learn listen attention ra Ise homework speak hand Complète avec can / can't/ must / mustn't I go out ? I want to see my

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