[PDF] obésité conséquences sociales


13 citent des conséquences sociales telles que la discrimination (9 des citations), mais aussi des problèmes d’habillement (2 ) et relationnels (2 ) D’une manière générale, les jeunes se montrent plus sensibles que la moyenne aux conséquences sociales de l’obésité 21 des 18-24 ans et 36 des étudiants en citent au moins

Social and behavioural aspects and their consequences in

Social and behavioural aspects and their consequences in obese teenagers - importance of family’s history C Jung 1, N Fischer 1,2, M Fritzenwanger 1, H Thude 2, D Barz 2 and Hans-Reiner Figulla 1 1Friedrich-Schiller-University Clinic of Internal Medicine I Jena Germany 2Friedrich-Schiller-University Institute for Transfu-sion

55% t 50% Canada - OECDorg - OECD

IASO (International Association for the Study of Obesity) montrent que 15 des enfants sont en surpoids ou obèses en France, comparé à 23 des garçons et 21 des filles en moyenne dans les pays de l’OCDE

Costos económicos de la obesidad infantil y sus consecuencias

must be the priority Health education in childhood obesity will be the only realistic way to solve the problem Keywords: Medical economics, Pediatric obesity, Health education Economical costs and consequences of childhood obesity Recibido: 24/06/2013 Aceptado: 11/12/2013 L a obesidad y la diabetes están reduciendo la esperanza de vida

Deconstructing common sense on childhood obesity*

and reproducing the dominant discourse on childhood obesity This discourse conceives childhood obesity as a public health problem of epidemic consequences, which will condemn new generations to an adulthood afflicted by life-threatening chronic diseases and one which will end earlier than their parents, among other alarming ideas


ECONOMICS OF OBESITY DECEMBER 12-13, 2008 Toulouse (FRANCE) Manu facture des Tabacs – Room MF 323 PRO G RAMME Organized by: Philippe Bontems and Vincent Réquillart TSE (GREMAQ-INRA, IDEI) Venue: Université Sciences sociales Toulouse I Manufacture des Tabacs Building F - Room MF323 21 Allée de Brienne 31000 Toulouse

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