[PDF] oral anglais bac notion


BAC ANGLAIS ORAL Myths and Heroes JENNY Mathieu – TS1 ANGLAIS ORAL – Fiche récap’ notion MYTHS AND HEROES Introduction According to the dictionary, a myth derives from a Greek word which means “legend” But nowadays we use this word with several meanings, from a traditional story dealing with History to a natural or social phenomenon

Expression orale du baccalauréat – Expressions utiles

Introduire la notion tirée au sort I am going to talk about the idea of / myths and heroes / the idea of progress / seats and forms of power / spaces and exchanges I'm going to deal with the notion In relation with the notion, the subject/topic of my presentation will be I would like to start with a definition of the notion

Space and Reciprocity - Anglais bac

Space and exchanges communication — trade — globalisation — multicultural society — migration — translation — travel — borders — colonisation — relationships

The idea of progress - Paul K

notion with the example of Telecommuting Telecommuting refers to the ability for people to work from home With, generally speaking, just a computer, they achieve the tasks they would have done at the office So escaping from a stressful working environment represents a step forward, so it definitely relates to the idea of progress Link :

GOTHIC FICTION Introduction : A - Notion : Myths and Heroes

A - Notion : Myths and Heroes B - Topic : Creepy Fiction and the Gothic genre (Introduire la notion puis le sujet) : Some famous characters from literature have become myths and are part of collective culture For example, the myths of Gothic literature with characters such as Dracula or Frankenstein have traveled in time and space and are now

Quatre NOTIONS - lewebpedagogiquecom

Lier le thème étudié à une autre notion Ex : Nous avons parlé des armes pour illustrer la notion de pouvoir, mais avec tout ce qui a été fait ces derniers temps (ou non), nous pourrions également utiliser ce sujet pour illustrer la notion de progrès Attitude à l’oral Plus vous lisez vos notes, plus vous parlez vite

Space and exchanges - Paul K

Space and exchanges Introduction : This year in class, we talked about space and exchanges and especially illustrated these ideas with the example of New Americans, that designates the immigrants coming to the

Des questions possibles à l’épreuve d’expression orale Myths

en lien avec la notion que vous avez choisie Voici quelques possibilités Myths and Heroes 1 What myths do you know? 2 Why are myths and heroes important to our society? 3 Do you think that myths and heroes can teach us a lesson? Can you give examples? 4 Is the 'European Dream' the new myth replacing the 'American Dream'? 5


L’EPREUVE D’EXPRESSION ORALE SUR LES NOTIONS AU BAC ES ET S I) LES COMPETENCES EVALUÉES 1 La première partie La prise de parole doit être bref (5 mn), structurée et pertinent Autrement dit, elle doit être construite (Introduction, développement, conclusion) Il s’agit d’une démonstration à partir de la notion

LVA – Mythes et Héros - Overblog

BACCALAUREAT ANGLAIS SESSION 2016 – LVA & LELE LVA - Mythes et Héros •Document personnel: How DC Comics’ 1st Black Superhero With His Own Title Was Almost a White Racist by Joe Vince, January 27, 2016 As the Civil Rights movement changed the face of America in the 1960s, DC Comics responded in

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