[PDF] 1er voyage de vasco de gama

Word Pro - Vasco da Gama (original text)

It was the first of three voyages to India that Vasco da Gama was to make, establishing Vasco da Gama's place in history for ever more Included in its entirety is the Roteiro, which is the only first hand account of the first voyage of Vasco da Gama, and further descriptions written by Gaspar Corrêa, King Manuel, Girolamo Sernigi, and three

142 Vasco da Gama, Journey to India - Social Studies

14 2 Vasco da Gama, Journey to India Vasco da Gama (1460?–1524) was one of the great mariners who helped Portugal take the lead in the era of explorations In 1497, with four ships and 168 men, da Gama sailed down the west coast of Africa, rounded the Cape of Good Hope, fought Muslims along the way, and reached India He did not return

Vasco Da Gama - Social Studies E-Class

Vasco Da Gama Remember that Christopher Columbus made his first voyage from Spain across the Atlantic Ocean to the island of Cuba in the Caribbean Sea near the coast of North America in 1492 Another future explorer named Vasco Da Gama was born in the country of Portugal in 1460

Vasco da Gama - Weebly

a Da Gama’s fleet sailed north along the African coast b Da Gama’s fleet sailed south to the Cape of Good Hope c Da Gama’s fleet sailed back to Portugal d Many of da Gama’s sailors died of disease 4 In the second sentence, who does the word “his” refer to? a Vasco da Gama b Chistopher Columbus c A Sailor d The Author 5

Vasco da Gama (Revised) HWK - Google Docs

Explorer Vasco da Gama was born to a rich family in Portugal around 1460 He was the third son of Estêvão da Gama, a commander of a fort in Portugal Young Vasco da Gama joined the navy, where he was taught navigation to guide ships on the ocean He was known as a tough and fearless navigator, so in 1492, King John II of Portugal sent da Gama

Vasco da Gama: Round Africa to India, 1497-1498 CE

Vasco da Gama: Round Africa to India, 1497-1498 CE Vasco da Gama was born about 1460 at Sines, Portugal Both Prince John and Prince Manuel continued the efforts of Prince Henry to find a sea route to India, and in 1497 Manuel placed Vasco da Gama, who already had some reputation

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Vasco da Gama In the summer of 1497, a Portuguese noble named Vasco da Gama led aconvoy (kon’ voi), or group, of four ships down the Tagus (ta¯’ guhs) River from Lisbon, Portugal The ships had been designed by Bartolomeu Dias Dias, in fact, accompanied da Gama as far as Cape Verde Da Gama had orders

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