[PDF] relation vo2max et fc max

The Effect of Respiratory Muscle Training on the Maximum

FC-2 90 57 86 02 560 Legend: VO2max: maximum oxygen consumption; UA: anaerobic threshold; FC: heart rate Comparison between tables 2 and 3 shows that for both groups, the VO 2 max decreased, for the TG it was shown an average of 47 35ml/min, decreasing by 2 03ml/min, while in the CG the average in the second VO 2 max was 49 12ml min,

ARTIGO Análise da Freqüência Cardíaca e do VO2 máximo em

compare it with the foreseen VO2max for the equation of Bruce et al (1973); 2) the maximum FC after the test and to compare it with the maximum cardiac frequencies calculated for the

Comparison of absolute and relative phisiological responses

ET CO 2) were plotted in function of the workload The criterion to determinate the VT was when the ventilatories equivalents in-creased with a concomitant reduction in the P ET CO 2 Results and conclusions: There was difference (p < 0 05) for the VO 2MAX (57 72 ± 3 92 and 49 47 ± 5 96 kg·ml-1·min ), VO 2 at VT (46,91 ± 5,96 and

The Relation of Body Fats, Anthropometric Factor and

lower level judo players concerning physical fitness Borkowsky et al (2001) did not find any difference in lower-body Wingate and VO2 max values among Polish championship winners and second and third placers Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the relation of body fats, anthropometric factors

Petit lexique de VO à l’usage des non pratiquants

d’éjection systolique par la fréquence cardiaque (VES ×FC) Il augmente l’effort de façon quasi linéaire avec la puissance de travail et la VO2 avec laquelle il est lié par la relation sui-vante: Qc = 5,5 VO2 + 4,5 L/mn Il peut atteindre plus de 25 L/mn l’effort >>> Equivalents respiratoires (ERO2 et ERCO2): ce sont


consommation d’O2, la fréquence cardiaque (FC), la ventilation/min et le rejet de CO2 Les courbes obtenues permettent de les comparer aux courbes normales pour diagnostiquer ou non une pathologie Rappel : La relation entre la consommation d’O2 et la puissance mécanique est linéaire jusqu’à l’atteinte d’un plateau : la VO2 max

Fitness Level and Body Composition of Elite Female Players in

max): VO 2 max = 20 6 + Last stage completed x 3 Furthermore, the equation of Léger et al [25] was used to estimate the maximum oxygen uptake (VO 2max) considering the player’s age: VO 2 max = 31 025 + 3 238S – 3 248A + 0 1536SA where A is the age (years) and S refers to the final speed (S = 8 + 0 5 x Last stage completed)

Association of Cardio-Respiratory Endurance and BMI among

menopause, BMI and VO2max measures were calculated The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was calculated to analyze the relation between the BMI and aerobic endurance (VO2 max) using the software differences present among 5 Result Demographic data was studied in the population Table no 1

Principes généraux de l’interprétation

DC = VES x FC = VO2/(CaO2-CvO2) VO2/FC = VES x (CaO2-CvO2) 2,5-4 mL O2 /battement (repos) 10-15 au pic Bas si: Dysfonction VG et cardiomyopathies ++ Insuffisance coronarienne ou valvulaire Anémie, intox CO, hypoxémie Artérite Déconditionnement Myopathie mito, métabo, Cortico, chimio

Tests de mesure de l’aptitude physique

La courbe noire représente la puissance développée, la courbe bleue la cadence de pédalage et la courbe rouge la FC - La relation puissance - fréquence cardiaque : plus le coureur est en forme et plus la FC est basse pour un palier de puissance donnée - La relation puissance - difficulté de l’effort 10 3

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