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The IUCN Programme 2013–2016

The IUCN Programme 2013–2016 reflects the One Programme Charter, adopted by IUCN’s Council in May 2011 The Programme aims to be relevant and mobilizing for all IUCN’s components, while recognizing that Members also have their own initiatives and activities that cannot be covered solely by the IUCN Programme

Programme of Work and Budget 2016-17

The 2016-17 Programme of Work and Budget consolidates existing action within our MTP; it adds emphasis in certain areas, mainly nutrition and climate change, and a more customized approach to higher middle-income countries that have different needs from

Strategic Programme 2016 2020 - CITES

THE ICCWC STRATEGIC PROGRAMME 2016-2020 The ICCWC Strategic Mission 2014-20165 identifies five (5) focus areas in which ICCWC is uniquely-placed to make a contribution to effectively combat Illicit trafficking in wildlife, through the diverse technical expertise, regional networks and on-ground experience of the five organizations


REFUGEE PROGRAMME - 2016 KENYA COMPREHENSIVE REFUGEE PROGRAMME - 2016 1 2016 is set to be an important year for a programming shift in the Kenya refugee operation Re-orientation from traditional care and maintenance in the camps, towards truly solutions-oriented programming, is starting to take root in response to the new

The Foundation Programme Curriculum 2016

The foundation programme curriculum 2016 (the curriculum) sets out the framework for educational progression that will support the first two years of professional development, following graduation from medical school This edition of the curriculum updates the curriculum published in 2012 and includes minor revisions from the 2014 and 2015

Human Development Report 2016: Human Development for Everyone

The 2016 Human Development Report is the latest in the series of global Human Development Reports published by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) since 1990 as independent, analytically and empirically grounded discussions of major development issues, trends and policies


Budgets 2015 and 2016 increased the Health budget and it is our intention to work with the Oireachtas to sustain these increases Efforts to increase access to safe, timely care, as close to patients homes as possible will be a priority As part of this, we will focus on developing

Definitions and Concepts: Background Note

Sep 01, 2016 · Programme to advance policy options to improve the financial systems effectiveness in mobilizing capital towards a green and inclusive economy—in other words, sustainable development Established in January 2014, it published its final report, The Financial System We Need, in October 2015 and is currently focused on actions to take forward

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