[PDF] opus mixtum


OPUS MIXTUM Wall P is built of opus mixtum and is approximately 58cm thick There is a section of opus reticulatum under two layers of opus testaceum The wall is mostly buried and not yet excavated Wall thickness (cm): 58 (no more measurement due to lack of excavation and on-going works) Wall P - West Side

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built with mortar and cocciopesto (opus mixtum showed in Figure 3a) and by a flooring in opus spicatum (Figure 3b) In addition, in the adjacent areas, after the ploughing, several ceramic

Technological evolution of concrete: from ancient times to

Figure 1 Roman concrete: opus incertum, opus mixtum and opus reticulatum Figure 2 Roman concrete: opus testaceum For simple concrete structures, Romans used different expressions for concrete according to the material used or how it was disposed on the external sides of the walls Opus incertum

Музей історії Десятинної церкви OM pus ixtum

Випуски бюлетеня «Opus Mixtum» № 1–5 розміщено на сайті Музею: mdch kiev ua Редакція не завжди погоджується з авторами статей


-Discovered and mapped Byzantine walls in opus mixtum known from the archives of the earlier expeditions -Excavated destructions of Byzantine walls in opus mixtum The excavations proved that the visible on the surface fragments of walls most probably aren’t in situ

History of Architecture Vocabulary Toby Engelberg

Byzantine opus mixtum 7 1; 9 1 abutment: solid masonry which resists the lateral pressure of an arch (Fletcher) 14 3 acanthus: A Mediterranean plant whose large toothed leaves became a common motif in the ornamental program of Corinthian and composite capitals and friezes (Wiley) 4 2


OPUS MIXTUM On utilise conjointement des briques ou des tuiles en assise horizontales et des moellons en pierre A ne pas confondre ave les haînages d’angles en tee uite assoié à un mu en pie e Appaition à la fin de la Répuliue pou onsolide l’opus reticulatum Particulièrement répandue à l’époue flavienne et sous Hadien


variegated displacement: in general, piers show sight faces or brick faces, or opus mixtum ones with bricks, or very seldom with square worked facing, while the arches are made up of opus testaceum, namely bricks, and often with header arches with double roll and overlapped bipedales”2 Figure 1 Ronaco viaduct-bridge in Sessa Aurunca

The Development of Roman and Medieval Urban Forms

flowing down along a gentle, continuous slope This bridge-canal, whose opus vittatum mixtum supports are still visible today, is well documented in historical paintings and drawings The structure's arches are the source of the toponym Arcueil Multiple water sources The water brought by the aqueduct to Lutetia came from several springs These


opus mixtum, velika `itnica i skladi{te, tzv Graevina sa stupcima U drugoj fazi se ekonomski prostori pru`aju podu`no po padini, prate}i wen pad ka severu, dok je meu objektima druga~ije orijentacije uz severni bedem Akropoqa, uz radwe i radionice, bilo i ku}a

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