[PDF] camp de concentration auschwitz PDF Cours,Exercices ,Examens


The largest of these was the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp Established by the Nazis in occupied Polish territory, it combined in one complex both types of these camps The concentration camp in Oswi~cim (renamed Auschwitz by the Germans) was set up in May 1940 at the initiative oflocal German police authorities in Silesia, where


the camp guards, Auschwitz was sur-rounded by electrified fences to prevent escape Location: Near the town of Oswiecim; 60 km west of Krakow, Poland The Main Camps Auschwitz 1 – Concentration Camp • construction began in 1940 • housed 400 000 prisoners during the Nazi era • half of the prisoners died – causes of death included


Auschwitz soon became known as the most brutal of the Nazi concentration camps In March 1941 Himmler ordered a second, much larger section of the camp to be built 1 9 miles from the original camp This site was to be used as an extermination camp and was named Birkenau, or Auschwitz II Eventually,

The Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial, 1963–1965

Auschwitz (Concentration camp) I Title kk73 5 a98p46 2006 345 43 0238–dc22 2005006330 UIRD Union Internationale de la Resistance et de la D´ eportation´

Auschwitz : “Ne jamais oublier“

Auschwitz : “Ne jamais oublier“ Oswiecim n'évoque pas grand chose hors de Pologne Cette petite ville située à moins de 100 km à l'ouest de Cracovie est pourtant connue dans le monde entier, une notoriété dont elle se passerait bien : Auschwitz, son nom germanisé, suffit à inspirer l'horreur et l'effroi

Konserwacja pięciu drewnianych baraków dawnego KL Auschwitz

Baraki KL Auschwitz II -Birkenau - Rys historyczny The Auschwitz II-Birkenau Concentration Camp Barracks - History Outline 22 Rozbudowa obozu The Growth of the Camp 26 Rodzaje baraków wykorzystywanych w obozie The Kinds of Barracks Used in the Camp 30 Historia odcinków BIa, BIIa, BIIb The History of Sectors BIa, BIIa, and BIIb 34

Supplementary Information “Legacies of the Third Reich

concentration-camp/ • Present-day use: “In August 1945, the Soviet occupying power converts the main section of the former concentration camp into a ‘special camp’ Primarily local Nazi party functionaries, but also adolescents and victims of denunciation are interned there In 1958 the GDR builds a memorial complex visible far and wide

The names of the Holocaust victims that appear on this list

cohen marie avraam 43 greece auschwitz 1943 cohen roland emmanuel 22 athens, germany 1944 kohn jcchak hersz 56 poland auschwitz 1942 kohn lea adolf 50 hungary auschwitz 01/05/44 laub chana schmuel 61 poland auschwitz 1940 lazar neny israel 25 poland majdanek 1942 lautman erno rezso 46 banya, auschwitz 1944 yad vashem - hall of names 6/87

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